The Return of the Divine Masculine Frequencies of Luminosity


As the Diamond light codes have integrated with the Earth in 2015, and now as these new frequencies of Luminous Light are being grounded into the Earth matrix, there is another exciting energy and event that is occurring.
 You have all welcomed the Divine Feminine and the return of the Goddess frequencies, and now it is time to welcome back the Luminous Frequencies of the Divine Masculine.

Your friends and colleagues from Sirius are standing by to assist you as you once again embody and integrate the Higher Frequencies of the Divine Masculine.
In the Sirian stories, the Divine Masculine energy was incarnated in Shu, who was depicted as a Feather on the Wind, or as a Bird Man.
Many of the powerful Sirian teachers in making themselves known to you took on the form of the "Bird Man", such as Thoth, Horus the Elder and Ra.
The Bird represented the ability of this energy to flow with the winds of Divine Creative Intelligence and to flow energy into manifestation.

It also represents the ability to travel on many dimensions and to fly through the Cosmos on the wings of light.
As you become multi-dimensional you will need to embrace this energy so that you can feel confident in your ability to travel the Cosmos on your wings of light as Human Angels.

The Divine Masculine energy was also embodies by Yeshua, by Buddha, by Shiva and by others who took on the power of the Visionary Dreamer and were able to see the Bigger Picture in the life and journey of Humanity.
They used their "wings of light" to transcend the lower dimensions and the hold of death, and were able to ascend into Light on their Angelic Wings of Diamond Light.
As you reconnect with the Divine Masculine at these higher levels, you will feel the balance returning between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

At this time there was a "Sacred Marriage" as these two energies combine to lift the Consciousness of Humanity and the Planet to new level of awareness and love.
This will be a powerful moment for the Planet and will prepare you for the final stages of the "Wave" of 2015.

on the 12th of December and the Solstice on the 21st when the Earth aligns with the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun and celebrates the powerful floods of light that are received from the Great Cosmic Heart and transmitted via the Great Central Sun to the Earth and into your Hearts.
At this time we asked that you work with your Light Body and Energy Field, and that you make a daily practice of working with the Sacred Diamond Heart Activation that we have given to you.
As you combine the Diamond Lights of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, you will feel that Inner Balance of Divine Light in your own Heart, Soul and Being.

Archangel Michael
© 2006-15 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global


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