We have heard of this fifth dimension that began but what is it exactly and how different will it be from the third we now reside? 

“You will be feeling so much lighter and moving with so much grace from one place to the other, much like swaying here and there.
Some may feel more lightheaded especially at first because the energy that surrounds this dimension is so light and free and so the shift causes them a small disorientation that needs time to be adjusted. 

This is due to the frequencies that surround the third dimension that are surrounded by negativity and blockages that cause a heavy feeling whereas 5th will feel so much lighter and woozy at first.
Time is to move faster for you. 

You are not to be bored again but rather have fun with activities that are to keep you occupied.

There is going to be a shift in thinking, in understanding of the world; a different perspective.
The way you interact and think is going to be different in a good sense. 
You are not to automatically respond to all but rather choose the thoughts that are to focus upon. 
This is because you are becoming consciously more aware of the power of the your focus. 
You are not to disregard yourself with people that are not pleasing, ideas that are not positive and so forth.
You are to be affected of negative energy and for that you will be more aware of its effect. 
Even the food that you consume you to choose them wisely due to the impact they have on your own energy.
You will have more access to us, the angels, you will acknowledge our presence more strongly with many of your senses and abilities that are heightened.
Certain gifts will be acquired by you, or enhancing of others.
You will be more empathetic to people and circumstances and so you will need to create a shield to protect yourself more regularly because energies from all around are going to affect your own.
You will be moving into the fifth dimension in time but there is no need to rush, just relax and let the idea grow in your being and you will become ready in time. 
Remember it is really a dimension of love and joy and a move will cause only positive endeavors to enter your life experience. 
Do not be afraid, all is well. 
We love you so and we will be next to you on this change. 
You are rising.”

About the Author:
Poppy I.


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