Experience the New Earth & Opening to Self Love - Ansaluia

Sunday, 7 February, 2010

I found with this journey that there was such a flow of energy. If you have a sense of moving along the crystalline grid, you move into the energies of the New Earth. There is discussion about what constitutes the new earth. Some consider it a dimension within or around this earth; others consider it as a separate planet. The perception from this journey is that it is a separate location. As we move along the crystalline grid, we find ourselves moving into the new earth.
There are many characteristics of the new earth that are similar to this one. The biggest difference is that with the higher vibration people experience life without the control, manipulation or jealousy of this earth. The most prominent energy of the new earth is love. Love always begins within you, which allows you the opportunity to give and receive with others. It is also a place where high vibrational energies who are new to the earth will live as they acclimate to energies of gravity.
From there the Goddess created an opportunity for each person to open to self-love. She began by talking about our physical bodies; considering what it is to be physical. Without our bodies, we would not be human and having this experience. She then encouraged us to release judgment, resistance, anything less than love and allowing.
A quote from the Goddess regarding seeking change in your body: "You need only change because you are finished with one experience and now you're moving to another experience".
Allow yourself to fall in love--- with YOU! Allow compassion to flow with the love as it will assist in shifting any resistance so you may open completely to love
Nama sika: venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole
I invite each one of you to take this moment and really let your focus go inside your physical body. You are here living a life upon the Earth; you have chosen to incarnate at this time to be a part of all that is occurring within the world. Your own process is your unique experience that reflects everything else happening around both you and the world in which you live.
So many of the symptoms that people have been feeling and expressing are derived from being disconnected from their physical body. Especially around the winter solstice a very intense wave of energy was brought into the Earth and it is still in the process of being integrated. Therefore it is quite easy for people to become disconnected within themselves.
When you are disconnected you may experience symptoms such as the dizziness, feeling tired, feeling disoriented; you may have a sense of feeling out of touch or as if things are not really progressing within your life. I say this to you right now as we begin this journey because I recognise how so many of the symptoms that each of you have been feeling and experiencing are derived from being disconnected within yourself.
So truly feel your physical body. Breathe deeply and let your focus go within that breath and follow it all the way down; breathe it all the way down through your torso down your legs and into your feet and just feel your feet, feel your legs, feel your pelvic region, your abdomen, your chest. Feel your arms, your neck, your head and recognise that this is your physical body. Accept it as it is in this moment.
So many of you struggle with that. But right now release any struggle and accept that this is the body you have right now. It can change tomorrow; it can change in a month, in several months or a year. Just as everything else is in a constant state of motion, so too is your physical body.
So whenever you feel any of those emotions that I spoke of before, if ever you feel disconnected, breathe in and know that you are human; that you are having this experience and that you are very real and in this moment. Yes - this is you in this moment.
Now that each one of you has fully grounded inside of your physical body I invite you to let that physical body go. You may choose to take in one more deep breath and then release it but allow your consciousness to shift out from you until it expands as it aligns with the magnetic grid.
As you arrive within the magnetic grid feel what this space is to you. Your higher self is within this space. You have the ability to link with this aspect of your extended awareness. Look around; perceive what this is to you. This is your space but you are fully aligned with all the other energies that are present within.
I invite you to shift your consciousness or your focus so that you may release this space of the grid. You move through an interlocking grid and find yourself within the crystalline grid. This is probably what is most transformed as a result of the last several years upon the Earth.
This grid work was but a vague energy pattern but as the Earth itself shifted into the fourth dimension there was suddenly a much greater alignment to these crystalline energies that transmit through the Universe into the Earth. Therefore the crystalline grid has expanded in such a way that it takes on a completely unique and different perspective than what it did a number of years ago.
See where you are. Feel what it is to be in this space of alignment. As you feel your energies allow any that resonate with these crystals to expand and to amplify so that you become much more aware of what within you is in alignment with these crystals. This crystalline grid expands from the energy of the magnetic grid and it creates a bridge that takes you out towards the New Earth.
The New Earth has many similarities to the Earth on which you live but it is without the sense of selfishness, war; it is without the sense of jealousy, control, manipulation. I invite each of you to allow your consciousness to shift in such a way that you float along or move through this crystalline grid until you find yourself as if standing in front of what is considered the New Earth.
As you look at it you may feel or see or sense that you are looking at the Earth on which you live, for indeed in many ways it is an exact replica. There is a shift in consciousness that will allow you to more fully align with this Earth itself. Therefore I the Goddess move into the space in which you are; I realise we most often take a stop in the soul plane but I wanted you to recognise this pathway, this direct link that assists you in moving from your current Earth to the New Earth.
So I invite you to blend with my energies as you are right now. Allow me to assist you in moving through the shift or the transformation that takes you into the New Earth. Many of you have experienced different perceptions of what it was to come within this atmosphere. There is a magnetic pull similar to the Earth, there is gravity, but the energies are so much lighter. They are finer. They are transparent.
As you look around you will find that each of you just naturally gravitated towards a place that you especially love. Some of you may have found yourself in the place in which you live right now or the equivalent of that. Some see yourself on the beach; some on the mountains; others within the forest. Wherever you are know that it is a place that makes your heart sing! Feel how good it feels to be here.
And now that you are beginning to become acclimated, perhaps some of you recognise those feelings that you've been having for the last couple of weeks; indeed it was the integration of the energies that are so similar to this space. Each of you has been moving through the process that allows you to be able to come here.
This place is beginning to become inhabited. It is a place of transition. So many of those very highly evolved children that are coming into the Earth or being born into the Earth will come here to feel what it's like to begin to acclimate to the energies. Many of you come here within your sleep state; others of you may come here when you transition. Still others might walk in your Earth and walk upon this Earth in a similar fashion.
As I brought you here you had a perception of leaving the Earth plane, leaving the energies of the Earth plane, and moving outward until you arrived within this space. It is but a perception. Did you really move outward or did you perhaps move inward? We work all the time with the hologram of the Earth and for the past six months or so it's as if there have been two holograms that you work with. One of those was for this, the New Earth and one was for the Earth on which you live. Again that was to assist in integrating the energies of transition so that you could move in and out of this space as needed.
With this space you have the ability to manifest into human form, or shall we say manifest a physical body if you so choose. You also have the ability to remain as pure consciousness without a physical body. Will people choose to continue to have the bodies such as they have on Earth? Perhaps. Perhaps they will choose something easier to use.
I wanted to bring you here so that you could get a more conscious awareness of what this is and I invite you to once more open even fuller to these energies and the vibration that this represents. Breathe deeply. I invite you to play.
Tele-transport is nothing within this space; it is with great ease. You simply think of where it is you want to be or with whom and then you allow yourself to shift as you move to the new space.
The weather continues to have its cycles. There is snow and sun, there is sleet, there are deserts, there are mountains, there are oceans. You will find that there are animals but they may be different than what you are used to. Some animals did not need to transition into this space; others are here.
I wanted each of you to have some time within this space. Create within your consciousness an alignment or a link so that you may tap into it anytime that you so choose. If you need me to assist you in shifting your consciousness, absolutely I am here for you, but you don't have to do it with me. You have the ability to move back and forth on your own.
Take this moment and I invite you to gather your consciousness and I am going to assist us in shifting into the All That Is. Once more you have that sense of leaving behind the gravitational pull. You find yourself in that space in which we work and play. From here I create an image or a screen so that you may see the Earth on which you live and then look with your inner eyes and perceive the magnetic grid and then look to the side and perceive the New Earth.
For some of you as you gaze between the two you can actually discern the levels or the steps or the aspects of the crystalline grid work. The All That Is, is a different dimension. It is without any sort of a magnetic pull. It's a state of neutrality. This is why you have the ability to create such diverse and immense change while in this space.
I had you become very conscious of your physical body before you left on this journey. I want you to take this opportunity to become more in love you could say or to perhaps better appreciate your physical body. Throughout the Earth, especially at this time of the year for some reason, you hear about people making changes - well perhaps due to the New Year - and so often it includes changing their physical body.
Indeed for each one of you I would have that you be happy and satisfied with whatever you have for a body right now. This is not to say you don't want change. If you would like to have changes in your body, perhaps greater strength, greater agility, perhaps less weight, perhaps better vision with your eyes; whatever it may be.
When you are seeking to manifest in this much more crystalline vibration you may do so only through alignment and allowing. I spoke of this during our last journey. I wanted you to experience the New Earth because there you can manifest and transition with much greater ease and I wanted each of you to have that experience.
So if you seek to change something about your physical body because that's what we are speaking of at the moment, then you need to come to a sense of peace, a sense of appreciation, perhaps even a sense of compassion as you consider the physical body that you have. In some of you I feel the resistance; in others I feel you shifting in to a better space of alignment.
So perhaps the next step is to consider judgement. Are you judgemental about your body? Do you judge it for its size? Perhaps because of illnesses that you may have had or may still have. Perhaps you judge it for your physical appearance, whatever it may be. I invite you in this moment to let go any criticism that you may have. I invite you to shift and breathe in compassion.
Compassion is such a beautiful emotion. There is so much unsaid about compassion. We need not try to define it; we need only open to receive compassion within your life. Feel compassion flow through you and around you. And then as you once more look at your body, look through the eyes of compassion.
As you consider those aspects that you would like to change, consider what it is to bring in change just for the sake of changing. You need not change because you dislike something; you need not change because you think it's going to benefit you in one way or another. You need only change because you're finished with one experience and now you're moving to another experience. That is a way of taking out any sort of judgement for where you were and where you might be going. That's a way of creating an alignment or a balance that allows you to transition your life.
Look at your life and I ask you about resistance. Is there resistance within your life? Are you perhaps resistant to change? Are you resistant to what is currently within your life? Are you resistant to the people around you, perhaps to your work? Are you resistant to the energies of what's happening in the world? Resistance essentially is being out of alignment with yourself or with your source energy. Resistance keeps you from being able to manifest.
It sometimes will push you into that place of judgement. So when you feel resistance within your life, for whatever the reason, again breathe in compassion. The more that you breathe compassion into your life the more love you have for yourself. So in this moment allow yourself to fill up with love. In this moment feel and know who you are.
You are that person living on Earth. You are divinity. You are God and Goddess. You are so much more. It's this realisation that comes to you sometimes in your dream state or it comes into you and it provokes that sense or that feeling of discomfort or disquiet that you need to make a change in your life.
Again compassion; it's what allows you to feel the alignment and the balance of everything there is around you. I invite you to once more take a deep breath in. Feel the compassion within you the human; feel it within you as your divine essence and know that you have the ability to open to this alignment whenever you so choose.
Here within the All That Is it's a space of neutrality, therefore it gives you an opportunity to be with yourself in complete acceptance and complete allowing, in complete love for who you are. I invite you to feel in love with yourself.
Ahhh that brings up the resistance again and I see you bouncing out of that alignment. This is the All That Is; this is your opportunity to experience being in love with you, to experience allowing yourself to fully appreciate the journey that you've been on, the space in which you are right now, and feel a sense of acceptance or a sense of allowing.
And so I say once more, I invite you to allow yourself to be in love with you. And that time an immense expansion occurred as so many more of you opened up and allowed in that love that you've been looking for, what you have sought to have. It is you. It is always you. Let it flow through you. This is an endless supply; take as much as you like.
I now invite all of you to come back together as a group. You can especially see the importance or the magnitude of the work that we do upon these journeys. As you are coming back together as a group, perceive the hologram as it comes up within you. Here is another perception of the hologram that represents the Earth on which you live, and then as if from within a different dimension you see mirrored a hologram of the New Earth. Perceive them as parallel; perceive them as one sphere within the other.
This creates an enhanced, or a strengthened, bond between the two Earths and you as the humans that surround these holograms let flow the love and the compassion of your journey tonight. Let flow into the hologram that endless supply of love that is from you and for you. And as all of you infuse these holograms and as it infuses the Earth it opens up a space where others may create their own endless supply of love.
So as you see this fountain of light pour through the hologram, the hologram itself sparkles. It shines, it becomes vibrant. There is a pulsation like a heartbeat within the hologram. This heartbeat represents all of you; it also represents Lady Gaia. It also represents the intrinsic elements of the Earth. And so with that these holograms begin to shift.
There is a sense of that which is aligned with the New Earth moving in that direction and that which is the Earth on which you live moves through the magnetic grid and downward until it goes within the physical Earth. It goes within and connects with the crystal that is at the center of this physical Earth upon which you live. That crystal sends forth a tone or a vibration that is becoming stronger and stronger as it is felt by more people.
The rest of those energies rebound coming out through the Earth, it comes up through the grass, the water, the trees, it spreads outward. You may feel your own connection to yourself as it comes into the space in which you are. Any time you seek to connect with this it is there for you. You may feel it when you align with your higher self but you may also feel it by simply breathing in compassion; breathing in awareness. Feel it and know it as it goes through you.
Allow your focus to return to yourself as you are in the All That Is. And I invite you to release this space. Allow your consciousness to shift in such a way that you move into the soul plane. You may find yourself aligning once more with that crystalline grid. If you so choose you may feel the various levels of the grid work as you move through, or you can move through it as an impulse and just find yourself arriving within the magnetic grid.
Within this space you become acclimated once more to the gravity of the Earth. You feel your essence as it comes downward; it comes down and you feel your consciousness returning to your physical body. You may need to expand the energy field around you as you allow your consciousness to move back.
I once more invite you to breathe your consciousness; it goes in through your lungs, in through your heart and down. Feel your feet, your legs, your pelvic region, feel your abdomen, your chest, your arms, your neck, your head. Feel you, yourself as the human. And you may remember what it felt like before we started this journey but now bring with you as you are fully grounded and balancing within yourself; bring with you that unlimited love. Let it flow through you, feel it with every breath that you take. Feel it move through your blood stream and into each cell within your body. Know that you are so very loved.
I the Goddess of course do love you but the source of this is your own self. And that is essential for you to remember. In this moment feel the awareness of that; feel your reality and allow yourself to be in that alignment. Again you are welcome to make any changes you so choose but create the changes from this space of alignment.
As you move through the next several days or several weeks of your life, I invite you to be very conscious of what it feels like to be in this space of self-love; to be in this space of such flow. Breathe deeply and allow that in. You are now grounded within yourself; you are balanced and this is the state of alignment that allows you to create and manifest more and more within your life.
As you continue to ground these energies back within yourself, I invite you to come back into the room if you have any questions that you would like to ask me. You may press *7 upon your telephone to enter the queue.

And you have many, you have many of the energies of Gaia, and you have many of the energies of the earthbound deva, and elves and such, and that is another one of the reasons that you feel such joy as you blend with the earth, you know the rocks and the trees as you were mentioning, and just feeling yourself connecting to them.
OK and so what we think would be really helpful to you is that on this journey especially when you are in the space of all that is, you feel your bliss, you know that is you, you know that, that is who you are, in all your truth, in all your reality, in all of your presence. And so when you find yourself having those human experiences and those human thoughts, that are of limitation, then that's when you could benefit from saying "Ahhh, I am feeling this limitation now, I recognize that I am a human and I see these things that influence me, but yet I am going to choose to expand into my big self. I'm, going to choose to bring in my divinity and let that shift these things that seem limiting to me right now". The sense that we have if you do that a few times, that will help you to integrate more of your divinity and you will feel yourself less in that in between state.

The way that I perceive the higher self is that it's like an in between, between your I AM presence and your human experience. And through your higher self, that's where you can have much more of your divinity, and then if it's not able to be fully integrated in your physical reality, your physical biology, then it stays in that space somewhere around the magnetic grid where it's slightly detached from you, but it's very close to you. So there is a flow that goes up and down between your physical reality, and your higher self and then from there into your divinity. And so there is already a deep integration of a great deal of your divinity into your higher self, and into your everyday person.
Everybody has been feeling dramatic physical symptoms of one form or another for the past 3 to 4 months in particular and they think it's just a bad flu season, or they think it's just a bad umm, uhh, transition uhh that's going on right now. But the truth of the matter is that you DNA is shifting, your cellular structure is shifting, your blood is shifting, your muscles and everything within you are shifting into that which is more in alignment with the crystalline energies and that's what will allow you to, to feel better and expand and to have more of these umm abilities.

You are each creating a new alignment that represents who you are; you are each expanding into these higher dimensions and these higher perceptions of what you are as a human or who you are as a human. Accept the love that is yours that comes from within yourself and as you move through your days let that love and that balance be who you are.
I am ever with you and within.

This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website: www.goddesslight.net


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