Choices - Uriel

There is a difference between choices and choosing.
Each of us has an infinite number of choices available to us at each stop on our path. And with each step forward, each rise in energetic vibration, each awareness of our power, we have access to a whole new array of choices, each of them an opening to a new and different reality.
So with the availability of all of these choices, how can we be stuck?
Because we do not know what to choose. It is not the array of choices or the potential realities that we stop at, but the other aspects of our choices, including these important questions:
How is it going to happen?
Who is affected by this?
What will happen to me?
What will others think?
Within each of these questions lies the answer we need to understand why we become stuck, afraid to move, not knowing what to choose and unsure of our next steps. The answer is fear.
Whether we think we will look foolish, make a wrong choice, hurt someone’s feelings, disappoint a loved one, be rejected or fail, the reason we do not make choices can be found in our own fear. And it is our fear that we get stuck in, not the lack of choice.
We always have many choices available; in fact, we have so many choices that we can be overwhelmed by the numbers. And from our array of unlimited choices the one choice we make – the only choice we can see - is the one whose vibration matches our fear.
Each time we make a choice that does not honor our power and potential, or that we make on behalf of someone else or to avoid something, we are choosing from fear.Fear works in two ways: it attracts everything that vibrates at its level and sends out a vibration that hides all options that vibrate higher than it does, making them invisible. That is why in our fear we are unaware of any choice that will move us into a higher vibration, which includes every choice that is higher that the vibration of our karma because fear is what creates more karma. To release our karma we must release our fear. And we can do this in small steps, by asking these questions:
What fear is being presented?
What are the other choices my fear is blocking?
What is a higher path that leads to a different choice?
What do I need to learn or know in this situation that will help me release fear?
Fear can be seen as the block to our spiritual growth, it is also what we have come to resolve and there are two paths in each choice, fear or growth. Every situation we encounter contains these tools we need to choose fear or to choose the path of growth, release and transformation.
Every choice is a good one and is made within the knowledge and understanding we have at that moment. There are no wrong or bad ways to choose, each choice is a step on our continuing journey of ascension.
The choices not taken are those that are hidden by our fears, for that moment.
Once we release the fear, other things can be chosen and other paths taken.
And before we step into judgment, we can remember that we have unlimited choices and it is what we choose that mirrors our fears, doubts and use of power.
Regretting our choices is a misuse of our energy and puts us in the past, instead of the present moment.
When we are ready to make other choices, we will be aware of them. As we move closer to creating heaven on earth everything we need to make this our reality will be available to us and the options, and how to choose them, will be clear.
Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.


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