December Solstice 2009 - Akashic

We start with the December Solstice, the northern hemisphere's Winter Solstice, which is approaching now. 
The Winter Solstice, which occurs opposite times in the northern and southern hemispheres, is significant. 
We are going to give you three thematic words - surrender, forgiveness and acceptance. 
This is the time of the shadow and it is an important time for you to acknowledge the shadows in your lives and the shadow aspects of your own personalities. 
The best way to work with the energy of the solstice is not to fight with or try to make sense of your shadow. 
It is to sit in stillness, to see your shadow for what it is, to accept that it is indeed part of you and to forgive yourself for having it. 

Now the shadow can appear as your patterns or the wounds that you have experienced in your life. 
Your shadow can appear as the challenges that face you now. 
Your shadow can appear as the things within you that you reject or the things within others that you reject. 
The shadow can include your fears. 
The shadow can appear in so many different forms and it is different for each of you. 
Simply ask yourself, what is it that you resist? 
Consider that is the key to your shadow; that is the doorway to your shadow. That which you resist is that which you have not yet accepted. 
As with everything, once it is accepted and forgiven, it comes into alignment with light and love. 

Winter Solstice is the time for the stillness that allows for seeing, accepting and forgiving those parts of you that you have resisted or denied in the past.
The Summer Solstice, which occurs in December for the southern hemisphere and in June for the northern hemisphere, has a different significance. 
The Summer Solstice is light, power and love—and those are its thematic words. 
The Summer Solstice is overseen by or infused with the energy of the divine masculine. 
It is a time of awakening for the divine masculine in all of you. The Summer Solstice is a time in which it is most beneficial to seek right action, to choose to walk in alignment with your beliefs. The Summer Solstice is a time when you can powerfully develop personal integrity. It is an important time for looking at the grand scope of your life and noticing what is out of alignment. What are the things you do, think or say that are out of alignment with what you truly believe with your deepest love and light? It is a time of action. It is a time when you can make things happen in the external world in a powerful way through choosing action. The Summer Solstice always presents an opportunity to step further into your power, to embody the power you have developed through the course of the year, and to actually bring it into the physical form as a new habit – as a new relationship, as a new way of being in your body, as a new physical manifestation.
There is also significance to the Equinoxes. The Spring Equinox occurs in March in the northern hemisphere. It is faith, divinity and compassion. This is perhaps the whitest, lightest time of the year; the time when the most clarity is available and for seeing things in a new light. Be willing to see that which you have forgiven, to see past resentment, to see past anything you have held before, to see the world with fresh eyes, to see relationships and other people from the perspective of a clean slate. This is a time for cultivating your compassion for yourself and for others. It is a time when acts of kindness are called for, particularly kindness to yourself.
The Fall Equinox, which occurs in September for the northern hemisphere, is wisdom, grace and nurturing. It is overseen by the divine feminine and it is a powerful time for the divine feminine in all of you. It is a time to offer your heart to the world, to open your heart and be willing to see everything that happens through the eyes of love and understanding, which is actually the very same thing as wisdom. There is a fullness in the Fall Equinox that is represented seasonally with harvest. It is a time to be gracious with yourself and others. To be generous to offer a generosity of spirit. It is an excellent time for sharing, giving, caring for others, offering your resources to those who have less than you. It is an excellent time to make a sacrifice or a dedication to your goals for the year, to your hopes and dreams and to the well-being to all of humanity.
We have given some definition to four days out of a 365 day year. Consider that every day has a potent significance and is different according to what has changed in the progress of humanity according to what has shifted for Planet Earth and according to the alignment of the stars and planets, the sun and the moon. Consider that every day has a divine, sacred energy, a unique energy that will never be repeated. Remember as you move through Enlightenment, it will become impossible for you to ignore the fact that every day is divine, every day is sacred and each of you can tune into the energy that you feel for a day. Ask yourself what you sense about the day. What you can feel is a larger energy or imprint. Do your best to bring yourself into alignment with the highest version, the lightest, most loving expression of that energy that you can find in your personal lives. Many religions teach you that one day of the week is sacred. As you move through Enlightenment, you will come to understand that every day, indeed every moment, is sacred. Every moment of your life is a sacred dedication to the divine and to the divine nature of you. It will no longer make sense for you, at some point, to separate divine days from non divine days, for you will come to know that every day is indeed truly divine. You can follow your intuition to lead you toward your highest expression in each day if you consider it a sacred act. If you consider every day as a sacred moment, a sacred opportunity to dedicate yourselves to bringing more light and love into the world to expressing yourself through your own divinity. (Dec '09)
Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.
The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.


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