THIS CREATION - Archangel Michael

At this time, all mankind is beginning to experience a very intense transition.
Your human family is feeling very frustrated that rely on a conditional identity that seems disconnected from life, disconnected from a joy and a passion for life. This dramatic change is impacting every aspect of your personal affairs and global.

She invites each of you to claim their creative abilities, including the center of your own soul. Your soul is calling you to jump in the river of your own passion, arousing your sincere desire to flow with the continuous stream of creation.
A natural part of this transition brings your experience with the physical presence of your spiritual families. We, the family of Michael, we are just one of many families or expressions of energy source.
Each of you has a very intimate relationship with these families galactic.
Your experience on Earth also serves as a spiritual gathering for all the families of consciousness.

Supporting this meeting is a deep feeling of love. A love that accepts life as being perfect, just as it is now. She is not looking to solve your internal conflicts. She is not worried about your unfulfilled desires. She accepts you as being truly perfect for all that you are now.
We hear many of you say, "Why do we require so much time to trust in that love?" We would say that when your guests leave nature to fight with your soul and let the beauty of this moment there is so much will be revealed to each one of you. For now there is the love that we are describing. At present there is YOU, your soul! We know it can be very frustrating to live through this condition that I seem disconnected from the soul. Be patient with yourselves.
Remember to inspire the presence of the nature of your soul. The moment brings you a clarity that you can trust. It allows you to make confident choices. There's a love waiting for you beyond anything they have experienced as a human being. It's deep!

Stop Fight with your soul.

When you cease to struggle with the presence of your soul, that choice becomes a decision that changes his life. Many of you understand that you have come to die have no need to try this type of love. May you have your cake and eat it here on Earth. A choice that allows an unconditional love is in your daily reality. It allows you to actively use the gift of creation and begin to accept as a creator in any and every moment that we accept this love as well YOU. It is a choice, a choice that should do the same for you.
When we merge our presence with our human counterparts, I, Michael, and my beloved friend Yeshua, we bow before you, the new and brave pioneers of consciousness. Ye are those who become tired of playing the game that you deny the love. Actually, this game was to continue for some time. It requires you to accept a part of an oppressor or a victim. No matter what roles in all your lives here on Earth, like all games, he has an ending. Some terminals require an end to life, as you know. Actually, every one of you incarnate in this world knowing that this possibility was very real. You knew the game that humanity is currently playing end between the years 2000 to 2012. You have accepted that the earth would come, probably in a great battle between forces that have invested large resources in the outcome of this game. This battle would have initiated dramatic changes on your planet. However, you still choose to serve and embody a love that does not participate in games.

Direct Connection with the Spirit.
As we watch your beautiful planet, many are now becoming conscious instruments to the source of life. They are starting to live and share a deep wisdom that communicates with the center of creation. Many of you are taking part in workshops and events to feel the spiritual presence of this energy, to hear a truth that resonates with your own heart. In your past, humanity has relied on others to act as facilitators for the energy source. These messengers to consciousness, served your human family with a compassion that was aligned with the energetic presence of the Spirit. All your religions follow the lives of these individuals, as they were eventually interpreted by other human beings.
Your current messengers have access to a technology that allows the message of awareness to be written, read or heard, exactly as it was spoken. With your Internet, you can immediately see both the conditional nature of these channels, as its unique connection with their own soul families. It is a profound knowledge of the intermediary to witness for themselves a direct experience.
This profound transition is asking humanity to carry out the desires of your heart, accepting a direct relationship with the Source of Life, removed by its various institutions. Through your history many found it convenient to inject the word God in their agendas, without ever having built such awareness. The Divine consciousness does not claim to life, or another person, country or planet. It honors all life as sacred.

As this transition continues to grow, many will need to ask yourself, "Whom I serve? What is not negotiable in my life? What I put value in life" I set myself to these values? Game that humanity has been playing denies the existence of unconditional love. It relies on the mind to establish its reality. She believes a higher power while denying the integration of physical presence.
Again, we bow down before the new leaders of conscience. Ye are those who chose to use this lifetime to enhance your relationship with the nature of your soul and to empower your choices with a love that knows no bounds. This had a profound impact on all humanity. This changed the focus of your habitual thoughts and released a tremendous amount of energy that was being used to support the old game - a game that many will continue to play, but without the satisfaction that was anticipated. It is a choice that each human being should do for yourself.

The Law of Attraction

Your attention is starting to change to develop your own creative abilities. The law of attraction made a profound impact on many of your lives. We remind you, she called the law of magic. It requires more than repeating words or stir sticks to consciously create in physical reality. The law of attraction relies on honesty. Our relationship with many of you now allows us to be more direct. You are not asking us to do for you what your are willing to do for yourselves. We are deeply honored each and every time you request our presence to be a part of your life and gladly serve the creator emerging. It was a long time since a man took responsibility for his own creative process.
We speak of the unique relationship that resides within each human being. The mind, body, spirit and soul, are co-existing in time and space shared. We explored the nature of your personality / ego and invite you to stop asking that represent your magnificence. Lately, we describe your personality as well as multifaceted and introduced this as some of your human aspects. These are the parts of your past that still reside within you, some are still very hurt, angry and resentful.
We would like to explore these issues from another perspective. For many of you have discovered that when your heart opens, you start to feel and sometimes listening to your issues that once resided in the subconscious.

Managing your Hotel

We invite you to imagine themselves living and working in a beautiful and grand hotel. Your soul is at the reception desk as the manager of this magnificent hotel. Everything and everyone are coming for you.

Now, in our last discussion, we invite each of you to declare that loves his life! We invite you to discover how they declare - I love my life! This statement has served many of you. She threw your imagination and inspired some of you to exercise their creative abilities.

We invite you to share these skills and open themselves to receive all the appreciation that you come again when you share your creations.
We use the example of a product or service, but your creations are not limited to a tangible object. Any experience that left a powerful impression in your emotional life is also a creation or your appearance. Thus, these aspects have their own identity that is based on your experience.
As a soul, we were gifted by aspects Mother / Father of creation, with the ability to also create life. As a human being, many of your creations become tangible or take shape in the many roles they represent. Ye are aware of the child, adolescent, their gender, their sexual preference, their parents, grandparents, employee and employer. So taste ye yourselves in these roles and, over time, the paper can begin to define you. We call on all those of your "guests", and all are currently living within your hotel. Those which are more aware and demand more attention tend to reside on the first floor.
The conscious activity of your life occurs when some of your guests visit the hotel lobby. It is here that they attract your attention, interact, harmonize and merge its presence with you, co-creating your reality every day.

Each of your guests have their own unique identity. You can you identify many of them through their habitual patterns of behavior. The image of a hotel allows us to work with your mind, but really is another word for your body. We found that by being with you when we say "body", many of you emotionally disconnect from your body.
We have this beautiful soul working behind the reception desk, as the manager of your hotel. The name of your hotel is the same name that you have in your driver's license. The collective presence of all those invited to contribute to your life experience. Humanity daily question - Who Am I? At the core of your soul is a Presence who knows who is living within their own creation and support this knowledge with compassion and love.

Some of your guests require your attention every day, moaning about your life in your hotel. Everyone knows that you are the manager. You spend much of your time each day, listening and responding to these lamentations.
Some of these guests invest much energy trying to convince the manager that they are qualified to manage your hotel. Often they challenge the wisdom or ridicule their ideas in an attempt to weaken its authority. From our perspective, most of humanity interacts with this novel internal TV on a daily basis. Some souls simply resign themselves to their position, stating that they came here to run a center for child care. In any event, the guests begin to oversee the daily operation of the hotel. The collective conscience of all humanity is a reflection of how each of you manage your own hotel.

Releasing your creations
As we watch the development of this game, something dramatic is starting to occur. Some of the managers no longer feel responsible about how your guests are feeling. They chose to take anything personally when your guests wail. They begin to invite other guests who reside in the upper floors to join them in the lobby for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Some of these managers have learned to listen and respond to daily lamentations, saying, "I respect how you feel. You are welcome to stay as much as they want, but if this hotel does not meet your needs, of course you are free to leave at any time !

The change is to create a quantum leap in the life of your hotel. Managers throughout the world are starting to release their own expectations, their own self-judgments. They are starting to feel a renewed sense of joy for their work. In essence, they are learning to release their creations. They are to see how your guests are a blessing to life. They are beginning to honor the gift of creation that was given to them free. Each one of you, souls, are a reflection of aspects of Mother / Father of creation. Managers are starting to really love your guests. They are incorporating the unconditional love and compassion, and for the first time, your guests are astounded!
All your guests are free to change, grow and evolve into the identity of them that you through your own life experience. Deny them and yourselves, the natural expansion and growth, judging and they are less than perfect. This perfection that you seek is an illusion.

Most of your guests who live in your hotel is also the byproduct of a consciousness that when ye have forsaken the old part of the game. The choice that did not play this game made the most of your guests to feel abandoned and rejected. You are experiencing this same dilemma in your relationship with those who live outside of your hotel. We want to be very sure as to your choice. You are not abandoning anyone, ye are simply create your own game. Many in your hotel heard the news. The manager claimed the Divine consciousness. Many guests are talking to each other: "What does this mean? We will be rejected? How does God consciousness is related to real life?"

Life in your hotel is changing. Now you go over your day to hear the thoughts of the guests who live in the upper floors. They did not complain of life, or require your attention. Some of you have given to them a key to his own room. It seems that enjoy your company, your presence and so it is not surprising that some of these are also invited to write these words. We, the family of Michael, live in the hotel of our comrades and loved playing in the lobby with her on a daily basis. We have not taken possession of the hotel, we blithely invited some guests to sit near the fireplace, share a cup of green tea while we hear his story. It is a story that is changing dramatically because the manager fell in love with life.

Thank you, dear Human, to open your hotel to our presence.
We understand you more than you know!
A message from Archangel Michael, Jesus / Yeshua by Robert Theiss


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