An astrological chart

"An astrological chart merely gives a few clues about people’s destiny; so, even if it presents many negative aspects, these should not be seen as absolutely predestined. The truth is, the human spirit is above the stars and planets, beyond their influence; the spirit is free, all-powerful. Whatever configurations the stars may have drawn for you, beyond the region where destiny is master your spirit reigns, and destiny can do nothing against it.
Your only way of escaping destiny is therefore to place yourself in the service of the spirit. Do not give the excuse that you were ‘born under a bad star’ so you can remain forever weak, lazy and idle. Granted, you have karmic debts to pay, but those debts only represent a second in eternity. You should not allow a single moment now to dim the light of the spirit. Whatever happens, you must remain convinced there is a spark shining within you that nothing and no one can snuff out or even obscure."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


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