Are you ready for your Twin Flame? - Amanda Noelle
be fully ready for your Beloved, you must become WHOLE within yourself
first, and that means integrating the deep unconscious parts of
ourselves - the Dark Feminine.
Ironically, on a divine level, you are already whole.
You are already a pure perfect being.
Yet perhaps you're one who has forgotten her own divinity to a certain degree.
The aim of a Twin Flame Union is merely to mirror the image of Divine Love.
Yes, Twin Flames are simply a mirror of the Great God and Goddess. And of Oneness.
you mirror Twin Flame Love through your Union, it is an ecstatic and at
times harrowing journey of coming home, divinely home....Ohmmmmm!
the concept of Twin Flame Love represents a much deeper concept than
one of dating, codependency, and physical romance...
Even the deepest
dreamy romantic dramas and fairy tales cannot express the depth of this
type of love.
The ancients knew of Twin Flame Love and trained initiates as Twin Flames in the mystery schools.
Twin Flame Love isn't about marriage either - hough it can be expressed there.
Twin Flame Love is present in the entire Universe, not just your perfectly matched soulmate!
human ego longs for the beloved to meet our needs.
But truly these
needs can only be met when we master the Union within ourselves first.
Flame Love' is truly the sacred alignment of the Divine Feminine and
Divine Masculine within the aspect of the God/Goddess, where good and
evil, dark and light, sun and moon, left and right, yin and yang, and so
on...are harmonized.
Holy matrimony is the merging of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in all of the chakras the the heart space.
This is what Mary Magdalene and Yeshua were teaching us!
It's what they Mystery School of Isis and Osiris was all about!
the teachings were so powerful that the masses have not been ready for
this up until recently (maybe around 11/11/11 or the 2012 Shift).
The masses were not ready to love themselves, for they were afraid to admit it--that we are the Christ Consciousness!
That we are the ones we have been waiting for!
We are already whole goddesses and gods who deserve rich, deep, fulfilling love...
why aren't we willing to accept our own deep love?
Why do we suffer
from codependency? Loneliness?
Love addiction, and addiction in general?
Well, though it seems silly, it's very simple.
live in a matrix.
A matrix built from the dark subconscious
mind--the limiting beliefs, self-doubts, and insecurities passed onto us
from our ancestors.
One where Separation dominates the consciousness, and Oneness feels like a distant concept most of the time.
And by ancestors
I don't only mean your bloodline.
Yes, your Great Grandma Mae might
have had some pretty out of alignment views on her Divine Feminine.
probably was not educated on the beauty of her PUSSY Power, and she may
have been abused by the Masculine.
But by 'ancestors' I am speaking of our great spiritual ancestors...
are the ancestors of our Over soul, the ones who have constructed many
of the greed-based systems on the planet that are currently
crumbling...the economic systems, political systems, educational systems, environmental management systems, and religious systems.
are crumbling because these predecessors were more fear than love based,
and post the 2012 Shift, their domination is crumbling.
And the Divine
Feminine is rising and uniting with the Divine Masculine.
I was told a few months back by our friend who is a Peruvian shaman that:
are living in a dream created by our spiritual predecessors. They
created it, and it is not our true story. It's our job to remember the
truth, and align it with Spirit."
Twin Flames are here to enlighten the aspect of the Dark Feminine--the Feminine that is unconscious, separate from the Light, and who wants to destroy and die.
Dark Feminine is the womb, the void, the night, the water.
Without the
Light she is out of balance.
But when enlightened by the Light, she is
pure amrita--liquid ecstasy!
We need the Dark Feminine for she is part of Duality.
Without Her, we cannot remain conscious--nothing cannot exist without it's opposite.
We can only make out objects with our eyes because we see their contrast, right?
That's how we learn about Twin Flame Love.
I learned about what Twin Flame Love is by understanding what it is NOT--which was getting heartbroken and abandoned by someone I trusted with my heart, my Twin Flame Counterfeit (TFC).
TFC opened me to my own death.
I mourned for several years and felt
like the walking dead.
I stepped into the fullness of my own Dark
the Dark Feminine ain't always pretty, but when we learn to harmonize
her with the Light Masculine, we create a harmonized Balanced Feminine
who then becomes light.
problem is, most women I meet want to only accept the Light, because
they have been persecuted for so many lifetimes as holders of the Sacred
They have become addicted to being mistreated by the Masculine, and so they want to run from Him.
then attract passive men who aren't tapped into their Masculine Power;
or these women attract abusive men who abandon them, and they continue
staying in a cycle of single-betrayal-single-disappointment etc!
was there...For many lifetimes.
Believe me I get it!
It's easy to fall
into all types of addictions when you don't allow in and start working
with Dark Feminine.
It's critical to master embodying the Dark Feminine within ourself.
She is the part of us who is Death. The destroyer.
She is that part of us who doesn't care if we live or die.
She can be cold, painful, and even cruel.
So often, we let out this part of ourselves unconsciously, and our Dark Feminine attacks us, or we let other people attack us.
We let our Dark Feminine sabotage our success and our Twin Flame Union if we're not careful!
watched my own mother take her own anger out on herself once.
swallowed her anger for years, and it got stuck in her heart chakra,
where it manifested as breast cancer.
Goddess she healed her wound with radiation and diet, as well as the
Angels' love. Interestingly enough, she became empowered enough to
express her anger in healthy ways.
why go through getting cancer and getting heartbroken when we can
integrate the wholeness of who we are now and initiate ourselves with
the Dark Feminine?
why I am helping women like you to initiate themselves and integrate
their Dark Feminine.
Some call her Kali, Lilith, Isis, Persephone, or
I call her you and me, and that's a good thing!
Most of us don't know this, but a Dark Feminine Serpent resides on our left side in our Twin Flame Kundalini Channels.
The Dark Feminine Serpent is represented by the moon, darkness, the color black, the void, magnetism, attraction, and death.
order to manifest your Twin Flame using orgasm's magnetic fields, you
must make peace with and activate the Dark Feminine Serpent.
Now is the time to awaken the whole of your being--you are already pure, perfect, and divine as the Great Goddess you are.
Here's to you!