1. White Tea: Shuttles fat from the body
tea is dried naturally, often in sunlight, making it the richest source
of antioxidants among teas — with as much as three times as many
polyphenols as green tea.
A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism showed that it can simultaneously boost the breakdown of fat and block the formation of fat cells.
also a rich source of an antioxidant that triggers the release of fat
from the cells and helps speed the liver’s ability to turn fat into
energy. If there is such a thing as diet tea, this is it.
2. Green Tea: Reverses your fat-storage genes
tea is particularly high in a type of catechin called EGCG, which can
“turn off” the genetic triggers for diabetes and obesity as well as boost levels of CCK, a hunger-quelling hormone.
A 2014 study found
that obese and diabetic people have different patterns of gene markers
than those who are not. Essentially, the “on” switches for their
fat-storage genes have been tripped.
that sounds like science fiction, it’s not. It’s the new science of
nutritional genetics, and it’s changing everything we know about weight
3. Black Tea: Reduces your body’s level of fat-storage hormones
Next time you’re stressed out, brew a pot of black tea.
Research has found it
can increase the rate at which your body is able to calm down and bring
cortisol levels back to normal. When stress hits, adrenaline causes fat
cells to release fatty acids into your blood stream.
A second hormone called cortisol grabs up those fatty acids and stores them in your belly region. With that fat stored, not burned, your body goes looking for more calories.
4. Barberry: Prevents fat cells from growing larger
Berberine, a naturally occurring chemical made from the barberry shrub, can prevent weight gain, even on a high-fat diet, and the development of insulin resistance.
the plant can boost energy expenditure and help decrease the number of
receptors on the surface of fat cells, making them less apt to absorb
incoming sources of fat.
5. Rooibos: Inhibits the formation of fat cells
The polyphenols and flavonoids found in this tea inhibit the formation of new fat cells — by as much as 22 percent.
What makes rooibos tea particularly good is a powerful flavonoid called aspalathin, which can reduce stress hormones that trigger hunger and fat storage.
6. Pu-erh: Shrinks your fat cells
Pu-erh is a fermented green tea that's dried and rolled into blocks. Researchers found that it significantly lowered triglyceride concentrations (potentially dangerous fat found in the blood) and belly fat in high-fat diet groups of rats.
the tea may have a slightly different outcome in humans, there’s enough
research surrounding green tea to make this exotic spin-off worth