Sanat: You are clearing toxins within your form which allows greater light body activation. This is different than the cleansing of density that takes place when one changes their belief system and how they respond within. While both hold density, how they are released is different.
Imagine the waves on the beach. Those that are resistant to change, hold fear or are burdened by self loathing will be standing in the water and will feel knocked about and unsteady. Others will approach these wonderful waves with excitement and gratitude will move through the waves as if on a surf board. Understand that all are being impacted by these ever increasing waves. How, is completely up to you.
Yes, this is an unprecedented amount of energy hitting earth. All will feel them. Those doing the greatest clearing whether physically or mentally will receive the greatest push. How far you are pushed depends on your ability to release what has been cleared verses reclaiming it and making it a part of your continued reality.
The most important and often the hardest lesson to move through and integrate within all your layers is that of self love. You are the creator of your hologram, when we create through a lens of self love rather than fear, lack, and despair, all around you change. It is your most important task and often the hardest to see the progress. Writing your thoughts and documenting the changes will help you to see this as well.