Types Of Fairies
Fairies are essentially beings made of energy, and that the material they are built of is feelings, vital matter, emotions, streaks of energy which are modulated under their emotions, their movements, and their desires.
The matter they are made of is pure emotions, not veins, muscles or nerves, and when they feel an emotion, their body directly responds and transforms itself according to the emotion.
She says they have a heart which is a glowing, pulsating center that emanates golden light, and that the secret of fairy life is rhythm.
While we have sensations, fairies are sensation, all sensation, and they don’t perceive like we do through special organs, but with their whole highly electric organisms.
Another highly interesting point is the way fairies establish relationships with other fairies, with plants and animals, and with humans.
There is a special way they do this – by adapting their vibration to the vibration of the being they want to relate to.
When he wants to respond to a plant, he makes his heart beat at the same pulse rate as the plant.
This synchrony makes him unified.
Between the human point of view and that of a fairy, or any member of the angelic kingdom, one of the main differences is that we live in a world of form, and they live in a world of life.
Our thoughts are primarily concerned with the form things have, and we seldom go further than that. But fairies are mainly concerned with the energy and life flowing around and within the form – life that is everywhere.
For example, if we look at a tree we respond to its size, its shape, its color, its leaves, and fruit.
These things combine to create its beauty for us.
But when one comes to think of it, this is rather a limited way of seeing the world in which we live.
In contrast, the fairy first beholds the spirit of the tree and responds to its vital energy.
To a fairy, the tree is a living, breathing personality which is expressing itself in the form we see. There is then an exchange of feeling, a mutual response, between the fairy and the tree.
Dora’s classification of fairies is highly insightful as she aligns them with the angelic realm; as a sub-realm actually.
Her observations are in alignment with theosophical teaching and in this respect she wrote the definitive book.
Dora says fairies are under the direct order and observation of angels, and the way she describes these angels is very intriguing and scientific.
Over all, an angel is brooding – over the fairies, the trees, the hills, and streams which are part of his life and are his trust.
He is a powerful personality, and the valley is just as much part of his body as the trunk of a tree is the body of a tree spirit, except that in this case, the angel has intelligence and emotions as powerful as our own, and he is as much a being as we are, if not more so.
When he takes form he looks like a beautiful human being, a clean-shaven youth with fine dark hair and a powerful aquiline face, his body enveloped in a lovely apple green.
His presence permeates the life of the forest and valley.
Types Of Fairies
AIR FAIRIESFirst are those sylphlike beings who inhabit the clouds and work with them.
These are the sculptors of the fairy world.
Next are the air fairies who are associated with the wind and storms.
These air fairies are generally some four or five feet high, very shapely and beautiful.
And last are the immense air spirits who live at very high altitudes, who resemble great dragons with huge heads, long bodies, and long tails.
They are centers of energy and power of some sort.
are radiant beings with great intelligence who help to guide nature by their understanding of the Divine Plan.
They direct the energies of nature and oversee the lesser fairies under their care, such as tree spirits and those who might be in charge of wind or clouds.
consists of four main types, two of which live on the surface of the earth and two underground.
On the surface, these fairies / range from the physically embodied tree spirits to the small common garden or woods fairies.
Rock fairies, or gnomes, are one of the underground types.
are, as their name indicates, spirits of the elements.
These creatures are evolved in the four kingdoms of elements – air, earth, fire and water – according to Kabbalists.
gnomes (of the earth),
sylphs (of the air)
salamanders (of fire)
undines (of the water).
all the lower invisible beings generated on the fifth, sixth, and seventh planes of our terrestrial atmosphere are called elementals and include fairies, peris, devas, djins, sylvans, satyrs, fauns, elves, leprechauns, dwarfs, trolls, kobolds, brownies, nixies and pixies, goblins, moss people, manikins, and others who belong to this classification.
FAIRIES are of four major divisions – air, earth, fire, and water.
Fairies range in size from the tiny butterfly-size, to twelve-inch and two-foot ones, up to the great sylphs and tree spirits.
FAIRIES are also called salamanders.
GARDEN FAIRIES are a common kind of earth fairy.
GNOMES are another kind of earth fairy who inhabit rocks.
ROCK FAIRIES are sometimes called gnomes.
Such fairies are to be found both above and below ground.
The great rock fairies of the Grand Canyon.
SALAMANDERS are also known as fire fairies.
these who inhabit the underground volcanic regions as well as those involved in lightning and fires above ground.
SYLPHS are a form of air fairy.
They are large in size, though not as evolved as those other great beings, devas.
Cloud sylphs
TREE SPIRITS are larger than wood fairies and have a more physical body.
UNDINES (a classical or Kabalistic name) are also called water spirits or water fairies.
WATER BABIES are small, happy creatures who are found near the seashore and in the surf.
They are a type of water fairy, but different from both those who live farther out in the deep ocean and those who dwell near streams, lakes, or ponds.
The following explanation of the various types of fairies is an excerpt from an article entitled, ‘The Real World of Fairies: A First-Person Account