Your Trans, Multi and Interdimensional body

We know the concept of a man that is born in a women’s body or reversed. All combinations are possible. There are transsexual people and transgender people. What if we apply this to multi and inter dimensionality? Could it be that you are born as human, while you wanted to life in another form, time or planet?

There are people that have physical phantom characteristics of another form they live(d) in. They feel a tail for instance, like an animal or other being, that they don’t carry in their human body. It can be confusing. Do you just have contact with your other aspects in another universe, or do you have the feeling that you are incarnated in a wrong way?

To unravel this it can be helpful to discern the energy’s. There are a lot of energy signatures that you send as soul, experiences you have, memories that are in your DNA, endless potentials and futures you live in. Space and timeless forms you experience, space less voids you experience, signatures in where you embody a potential, in where you are nothing, everything, everything you can imagine.

Welcome in the endless circle that you are! Let’s dive in the basics of life as unique aspect in eternity.
Who you are as core soul is the core of who you are. Next to that you live in different forms in different spaces, that we call the omniverse. 
I refer to the spaces sometimes as planets, although many forms and spaces are form and space less and can’t be put into a box, or label. There are no rules and laws as we know it here, that’s why It can look like that the moment you get it, it slips through your fingers. That’s normal, cause nothing is so dynamic as a vision, a truth. Those change all the time, and that’s the fun of it.
In every universe and omniverse you experience different aspect of yourself. The energy signature of those aspects looks like the conscious part of your core aspect. Next to that you life as soul in the omniverse, where you are everything you can and can’t imagine. How to discern what is an aspect and what is an inter dimensional part of yourself?

It doesn’t matter. Usually the aspects in the universe are a bit different than your core soul. Most of the time they have a human like body and the moment of birth, dead, the intention you are born with (aka life lesson) is the same.

In the omniverse, the inter dimensional part of existence you don’t just exist as human, but also as everything you imagine. This is what we refer to when we talk about extra terrestrials, aliens(which is the funniest name ever) Where do the angels live? In which dimension? On earth of course in a human body ;-) 

No one is from earth, and in essence we all are aliens. There comes a moment that it all doesn’t matter at all, as soul we are so flexible. We shift from one perspective in a different experience. Labels and borders doesn’t matter cause they change while you are having an experience.

Here is a linear thing. It’s funny when you imagine we are living in 12 dimensions (11 experiences and 1 point of perception) and you assume that they all are connected with their own omniverse, you get the magical number 144. 12 aspects x 12 omniverses =144. I don’t relate much to numbers, mathematics or that kind of rigid things. But I like the number 144 to describe the endlessness of existence.

There are people that have strong memories to a planet or time, a space, form in where they lived as dragon, fairy, animal, angel, gnome or any other form you can imagine. There are so many different being in the universe where we don’t have any reference for. We try to give it a name we know, and mythical figures give us some kind of framework.  The wideness of your imagination can open the gates for these new forms. It could be you don’t recognize yourself in the labels, beings or forms you hear in spirituality, or new age. Just feel what fits you, what feels as your truth.

A ‘wrong’ incarnation or body?
The memories and feelings you have from other worlds and the feeling of home can be strong. They can create huge feeling of homesickness. You can always make the choice to live in the here and now with your body. It’s a choice everyone can make for themselves. 

There is a reason why your conscious part is here on earth in a human body. Maybe you came here to bring an unique gift. A colour, taste, experience or knowledge from the planet or dimension you came from. Live in happiness, in passion. Everyone is here with a reason and unique talents. Everything is in perfect order in the universe. 
What is your soul mission? 
What do you like to experience on earth? It could be  that you want to bring the consciousness of your planet or dimension to earth.
Experiences that wants to come home
The feeling of wanting to go home can be strong. 
Sometimes this feeling is so strong because other aspects or parts of you don’t experience home. 
The discontent about your incarnation could be related to unsolved issues. This could be from previous, parallel, future lives, from your aspects. In that way multi and inter dimensionality could become a flight from the reality of now. The feeling of home can be so overwhelming that when we don’t experience it, we might think there is something wrong. It doesn’t have to be like that at all! 
Sometimes we don’t feel home on a consciousness level cause we can remember experiences we otherwise couldn’t remember. 
You are the creator of your life and you can enlarge the feeling of home to breath it in, and to breath it in every cell and DNA of your being. Find stuff that gives you a nice feeling, and increase it with every breath by focusing on it, if you choose. Invite all your energy for a welcome home party, where you can let them experience how it feels to be on the road in the universe and still have a home base in your heart.
The human experience
How to live in passion and happiness? That’s what it’s all about. 
How can you express your passion and be happy with your human body? 
Everything is in perfect order. 
There is nothing wrong when you’re sad. Really not,  it’s a manifestation of divine energy that you experience in your now-moment. 
We are experiencing ourselves in all facets. 
An understanding of all your energy can help with loving yourself inside out. 
For at this moment, it serves my life on earth. 
Here is the fun, the joy, the big discovery. Here  are all experiences also. 
To go beyond your own beliefs, understanding of life can help you with that a lot. 
When you always had the idea and strong feeling you also live(d) in other forms a body can be so strange. 
Even when you are incarnated a thousand times, a body can still be weird and strange. 
A body and the earth are also wonderful things! It gives us sensations that we can’t experience somewhere else. Our senses are the portals to unknown sensations. A body and the earth live in harmony, they are connected. To be a consciousness human offers us possibilities. To honor and integrate your aspects makes the party even bigger!
Water and grounding
When you are playing with multi and inter dimensionality you can experience new sensations in your body. You could get dizzy. 
When you work with it and remember and discover new field, your energy field expands. Your fields stretches and your understanding of time, space, form, shape changes. 
You don’t need to be scared of this. 
It helps a lot to connect yourself with earth and to give your body time to adjust. You are going beyond your own illusions and bells will pop, that maybe were the foundation of your reality. 
Your sight can change, sounds can sound different. 
Your intuition can grow rapidly. 
Water makes this process easier. 
You could drink it, connect with it in bath, the swimming pool or under the shower.
There are a lot of exercises that you can do to connect your body with earth, like visualizing that you are a tree with roots in your feet, etc. It could be that grounding works a bit different with you, cause your wiring is different. 
Look for ways that connect you with your here and now.
You can increase the feeling of safety, of home inside yourself, so that it stretches all the way over your multi and inter dimensional body. When you anchor this feeling in your molecules, your soul and your being, you’ve got a portal to home wherever you are.
That is the fun! To experience home on every area of who you are. To do in the moment what you like the best, and to feel love for all that is. Every expression is an expression from home, as we are divine beings, playing in all dimensions! How cool!

a message from Mirri Rocks
Tuesday, 2 March, 2010 

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