Ultimate Healing Course


The Vine of the Soul

This is a decription from a two-week workshop that I want to organise in The Netherlands under guidance from the shaman Peter Aziz. 
Peter is already giving this workshop for more than 20 years in England. 
In this workshop you can learn to heal yourself completely from any disease or emotional problem.
It is a very long artcicle, but it will blow your mind.
It is the most advanced explanation about how healing works that I ever come across.
Dates and place for the workshop are not set yet.

Ultimate Healing Course
How you can heal yourself completely in two weeks

Every suppressed experience, thought or emotion is stored as a crystal in every DNA molecule in the body.
The body is like a three dimensional hologram, where each part of the DNA effects different parts of the body.
Different emotions will be stored in different organs in the body, and the function of these organs is impaired by the crystallisation.
The seven coils of the DNA resonate with the seven endocrine glands, which will store seven emotions that tend to be suppressed along a scale.
When we experience life with unconditional love and enthusiasm, the life force is fully in us, and there is no suppression.
Enthusiasm actually means God in you.
Enthusiasm resonates with the pineal gland.
When we lack enthusiasm the pineal gland begins to calcify.
When we experience life with anything less than unconditional love, we begin to judge and resist things, and then we feel pain.
Pain is basically a separation, which occurs when things disagree with our judgement of how they should be.
Pain is stored in the pituitary gland.

When we resist further, we get angry, and anger is stored in the thyroid gland. When we resist anger we become fearful that things will continue to go against us, and fear is stored in the thymus.
Resisting fear, we become victims, feeling that the world is against us, and we experience grief, which is stored in the adrenals, pancreas and solar plexus.
When we resist grief, we give up, and become hopeless and apathetic, and this is stored in the spleen (baço).
Hopelessness often produces a death wish.
Every terminal illness will have a death wish stored in the spleen.
Finally, we numb out completely and suppress all the emotions into unconsciousness.
Numbness (entorpecimento) is stored in the gonads. (Além da sua função reprodutiva, as gônadas são também glândulas do sistema endócrino, responsáveis pela produção de hormônios sexuais)
All unconscious experiences, including drugs, anaesthetics and hypnosis are stored here.
Every physical weakness, and every illness, is related to a particular pattern of suppressed emotions, which tends to damage the body.

Healing must begin with love.
The energy of unconditional love has a high resonance, which causes all the lower vibrations to rise out of the body.
As they are released, they pass through the corpus callosum of the brain and are consciously experienced.
The patient will begin to rise up the scale of emotions, and is encouraged to experience each emotion with enthusiasm, and without resistance.
They first feel numb, and must experience this feeling fully until they rise up into hopelessness and apathy.
They will relive all their past traumas as they rise up scale through grief, fear, anger and pain, until they finally return to a state of unconditional love and enthusiasm. When this happens, there is a fierce burning in the body as the kundalini rises.
This burning accompanies the regeneration of the body.
It may go on for several hours, depending on how much physical damage is being healed.
Tumours dissolve, nerve pathways are rebuilt to paralysed areas of the body, calcifications dissolve from arthritic joints, and atrophied organs rebuild.

When releasing memories, the patient also goes through genetic memories, of things that happened to parents, grandparents or ancestors.
Suppressed memories are stored in the DNA, and can be passed on.
When we release genetic memories, hereditary illnesses can be healed.
Apart from memories of past, the DNA also stores much information about the future.
A scientist can take your DNA and tell what you going to look like in the future, but can’t tell anything about your past.
The DNA is actually a blueprint for the future.
According to quantum physics, every experience is a double quantum wave between here and a future.
The wave works both ways, so as we create a future, all our possible futures are creating us.

All our possible futures are competing for attention, trying to happen.
They all affect us, even the ones that don’t actually happen.
The impact of our futures, making us what we are, is even greater than the impact of the past.
During the ultimate healing programme, the patient will process thoughts and feelings from the future, as well as memories from the past.
Since the body is holographic, if a diseased organ is surgically removed, the cause of the disease still remains in the DNA in the rest of the body.
If physical symptoms alone are addressed, the cause still remains to appear elsewhere in the body later on.
In order to produce permanent healing, consciousness must change as well.
The first step in healing is to learn to channel the Power of unconditional love.
This is done through transmission, and also by visualising a violet flame.

The principles of love need to be taught here.
To know how to love we know that love gives seven things: safety, pleasure, value, a sense of being known, celebration, individuality, and becoming more.
When you are giving these things you are giving love.
If you are not giving these things, then you’re not really loving.
Many people in the New Age use the word love as an excuse for all kinds of unacceptable behaviour.
For example, a person might tear down your self worth with all sorts of criticisms and then say “but I love you” as if that makes it alright.
It doesn’t make it all right because they are not loving.
To understand the healing transmissions, realise that no one is an Island.
All those who have done this work before us have left an imprint which creates an ensemble of forces we call an eggregoria.
The eggregoria behind this tradition is very ancient.

The first human like beings began on Sirius.
These beings evolved into beings of light.
They came down to Earth to help the human race evolve, and created the first magical society, Lemuria.
Lemuria disappeared and left the human race to explore its own magick.
And so Atlantis was created.
The shining ones from Sirius then shared their magick with the faery realm which was far more magically advanced.
After the destruction of Atlantis, the secret knowledge continued in Egypt.
When this was destroyed, one tribe went overseas to the Hawaiian Islands and became the Kahunas.
Another tribe became the Berbers.
The Dragon tribe moved to Hungary and formed the Royal Court of dragons, which is where the Pendragon family came from.
The Merlin lineage continued to learn from the faery realm.
This tradition comes from my Hungarian lineage and from the Kahunas, and I still learn from the faeries.
This eggregoria is where the transmissions come from, which attune people to the power of unconditional love of the creator.

The violet flame is the symbol of our healing.
Its nature deepens as you progress, since it is a product of your co-creation with the creator and the eggregoria.
It was used in Atlantis, but since co-creation produces more than the some of its parts, the healing can become more than it has ever been.
New transmissions are given as the healing deepens.
To learn the process of healing, we must also learn non-judgement and non-identification.
We suppress emotions because we judge them as wrong.
Every emotion has a purpose, and you always have the right to feel whatever you are feeling.
For instance, anger tends to make you assertive, and motivates you to get up and do something to change a situation that you know is unhealthy.
The purpose of fear is to alert all your senses to a threat to put you on peak performance.
Grief is a necessary release of energy from expectations which have been suddenly shattered.
Pain is there to alert you to something that is harmful to you.
Too much identification with our emotions can prevent us from releasing.
By letting go and observing the emotion as something we are feeling rather than something that we are, we are able to welcome it and then let it go.

Levels of Healing
The first area we heal is unconsciousness, which is stored in the gonads.
This restores sexual potency and drive.
During this process one releases all anaesthetics, drugs, hypnosis and other areas of numbness.
Unconsciousness causes holes in the aura, and since nature love a vacuum, something will always fill that hole.
Various spirits, entities and thought forms can enter.
When a person is releasing unconsciousness, these possessions can be felt leaving the body as an ice cold wind.
For example, after an operation a person may have thoughts they didn’t have before. Apart from anaesthetics, entities can also enter the body of a small child when it is not in its parent’s aura, since for the first three years a child does not have its own aura.
At this stage ancestral spirits often enter the body.
These ghosts are not necessarily the souls of people, but rather their emotional bodies.
Intense emotions create an etheric form.
Those ancestors that have unresolved emotions leave behind an emotional body that seeks to continue its existence through another family member.

So a child can inherit its ancestors’ emotional problems.
Since, in these early years, the personality is forming, these problems are held very deeply, and are stored in the large intestine.
This causes allergies.
Allergies are caused by a weakness in the large intestine allowing the absorption of abnormal metabolic products.
They are cured when all the ancestral spirits have left the body.

The second area we heal is apathy, which is stored in the spleen. As this heals, a person becomes more socially active, the body becomes less sluggish, and anaemia and digestive disorders are healed.

The emotions that arise to be healed include depression, hopelessness and powerlessness.
There may be a death wish, as memories arise of times when the will to live was lost.
Apart from releasing the emotion, power needs to be taken back. We all have times when we lose power to others.
It can be taken back in meditation, by using a stick of birch or oak to draw a circle clockwise on the ground around oneself, calling the other person to the edge of the circle, seeing them holding your power, and taking it back.

One of the greatest causes of loss of will to live is shame.
Shame is often behind serious illness.
It has three possible causes:
-First, there is the Shame that is dumped on you by others.
Psychology does not deal adequately with Shame, as it is not just a psychological problem, but a metaphysical one.
Shame is an energy that can be passed on.
Often, abuse is a vehicle for passing on Shame that one does not want to feel.
This kind of Shame needs to be squeezed out and given back to the person who dumped it on you.  
-Another kind of Shame comes from the meaning and significance we give to early childhood traumas.
A small child has not yet found its separateness, and so everything that happens to it, it thinks is its fault. If it is not loved, it thinks it is unlovable.
If it is deprived, it thinks it is undeserving.
To heal this kind of Shame, one must remember how one viewed the event, and now see it with a new meaning and significance.
-The third kind of Shame comes from mistakes that have not been forgiven.
When one makes a mistake it is natural to feel remorse so that one develops a conscience and changes.
If one does not feel remorse, they will feel defective.
With remorse, you recognise that you have made a mistake.
With shame, you are the mistake.
To heal this, you need to know how to forgive.
The first key is to forgive the why rather than the what.
Knowing the reason why you did what you did does not mean excusing it, but rather recognising your weakness. For example, in many cases of sexual abuse, the abuser claimed that it was their only way of expressing love.

No progress can be made here, as abuse is never an expression of love.
If instead they had said it was the only way they knew how to express their hostility, or they didn’t know how to handle their Shame apart from dumping it on someone else, healing could begin.
The event cannot simply be forgotten, as that would mean suppression of the emotion.
Forgiveness is quite a complex process which has seven stages: denial, blame, self-pity, indignation, becoming aware of the whole pattern, ie once you feel flawed you must always fail in the same way, stepping out of the pattern, and finally, being forgiven.
Only by releasing each of these feelings is Shame completely healed.

The next level to heal is grief, which is stored in the solar plexus, pancreas and adrenal glands.
This is where the patient moves out of the victim state.
Once a person grieves, and the tears begin to flow, the grief is easily released.
The pitfall is self-pity, which is not just an emotion, but a state of being, which keeps a person stuck.
To free ourselves from it, we need to understand its past and future causes.
The past cause is in childhood, as a young child, unable to fulfil its own needs, gets what it wants by getting people to feel sorry for it.
If a child does not get what it wants it digs in its heels and refuses to move.
So one stops growing emotionally and stays a victim.
The real cause of self-pity lies in the future; it is done to manipulate, punish or avoid something.
It manipulates by getting people to feel sorry for you.
It punishes by tearing down the self worth of whoever is close.
It is used to avoid responsibility, as when you’re in self-pity people do not ask much of you.
For it to work one must hang on to past problems, for if you admitted the real reason, it would not work.
For example, I am feeling sorry for myself and someone asks what the matter is, and I say” I am manipulating you” they will not buy it, so instead I talk about by problems to get them to feel sorry for me, until I have than eating out of my hand, right where I want them.
The problem is, in order to continue this manipulation I must always have problems. It is impossible to create success, as no one would feel sorry for me any more. Spiritual growth also becomes impossible, since being spiritually empowered means giving rather than taking, owning ones power, being responsible and thinking positively, all of which are negated by self-pity.
In order to grow out of this one must recognise why one is doing it and realise what it is costing them.
Then one must go back to give the inner child what it needs, so that it can let go and allow one to mature.
When this happens a person will grieve properly and then become free.
Tears may flow for several hours until all grief has been released.

Cancers heal at this stage.
Cancer grows by a process of cellular entrainment.
Each new cell is entrained by the energy field of the cells around it.
That is how, for example, a new cell in the liver becomes a liver cell, not a heart cell. So long as the cancer cells are stronger than the surrounding cells, those cells will be entrained by the cancer.
Once grief is released, the body’s energy is high enough to entrain the cancer cells, so the cancer breaks down.
Cancer will not heal until the body’s energy has moved up scale through unconsciousness, apathy and then grief is released.
When this stage is reached, a cancer will often dissolve rapidly while the patient is grieving, as if the substance of the cancer is being cried out.

The next layer to heal is fear, which is stored in the thymus gland.
This is one of the most difficult feelings to face.
Often, the patient does not want to face a trauma, as they are afraid it will be too much to bear.
If they allow all their anger, they will lose control and destroy everything.
If they allow their pain, they are afraid it will destroy them.
It is important that they should take time to feel just the fear before they move on to anger or pain.
When the fear has passed they will be able to face the anger and pain without resistance.
Fear always surrounds love.
What we are most afraid of is losing the love, losing the object of the love or not living up to the love.
The greater the love, the greater the fear.
So long as there is love there is always the likelihood of fear.
We must learn to love beyond fear rather than without it. This means we welcome the fear, but focus upon the love behind it.
Once we recognise the love we can let go of the fear.
There is often shame stored with the fear, as we are afraid that we are not worthy of love.
The combination of fear and shame is the greatest destroyer of the immune system. When this is healed immune deficiency diseases are healed.
The AIDS retro virus uses the DNA of the body to produce new viruses.
It is a similar process of entrainment to cancer.
To reverse this entrainment, the bodies energy must be raised one more level by healing the fear.
It is useful to realise that the virus is not what initially damages the immune system; that is done by fear and shame.
The virus only takes over when the immune system is already low.

Once fear and Shame are released, anger can emerge. When anger is denied, there are several ways in which it is hidden.
The first is guilt. Guilt is really anger that one does not have a right to have.
For example, if you have let someone down, you feel angry with yourself and angry with them for having made a demand on you in the first place. Because they and not you are the injured party, you don’t feel you have the right to be angry, so it turns to guilt. Guilt is released when you allow yourself to be angry.
The most insidious form of hidden anger is martyrhood; i.e. you feel overwhelmed, misunderstood and unappreciated.
This is never based on love, by is silent and righteous anger seeking silent and righteous revenge.
When you take on unbearable burdens, it is to punish people by making them feel guilty. Rather than admit the anger, you seek vindication in the future; i.e.: you look forward to them getting their just deserts.
A martyr will never admit to this because they are misunderstood, never wrong.

When you find yourself feeling over burdened, misunderstood and unappreciated, ask yourself who it is you want to punish. It is never yourself, although that is usually a martyrs first answer, as you always look at the impact on you, not your impact on others.
Often it is God you want to punish.
Once you admit the anger, you can welcome it and release it.
Rage comes to protect you when there is an extreme loss of power or worth.
When rage is denied it manifests as low energy and cynicism.
No matter how much you express rage, it will not go until you have taken back the power or worth that were lost.
When you allow yourself to feel the rage, you can use the strength it gives you to take back your power from the one who is robbing you of it.
At this point you may visualise yourself taking back power, seeing it as a ball of energy.
Anger is stored in the thyroid gland.
Taking back power frees one of the low energy state which comes with an under active thyroid.
Releasing anger will heal arthritis, as the thyroid gland is responsible for calcification.

The next level to heal is pain which is stored in to the pituitary gland.
This is different from grief which is often released through tears.
Sometimes there is a deeper pain that tears do not reach, it can only be felt, and it is like a deep split in the soul.
All pain is really a separation, which is only healed by embracing the pain.
The nature of the separation determines the type of pain.
With physical pain, one is separated from control.
It is always when we are out of control that we injure ourselves.
When we lose our sense of love or belonging we feel emotional pain.
With mental pain, the separation is from understanding.
Once we are split inside, and suppress the pain, the split always tries to show itself by creating more pain.
Unless we heal the split we will have continuous pain in our lives.
Once we embrace the pain and end the separation, we reconnect with our higher selves and live with a much higher vital energy.
At this point we see much clearer and our memory is total.
We can now recognise and release beliefs and old choices.
Beliefs are formed from the meaning and significance we give to events in our lives. They begin very early in our lives as we are sensitized by early experiences.
The initial ideas are tested and proved by later experiences before being stored as beliefs.
When we remember these events and see them with new meaning and significance, our Beliefs change.
Affirmations are not enough as our subconscious mind does not pay much attention to words, but only to what it can verify with the senses.
Choices made long ago at moments of emotional intensity still control our lives. Many of our earlier choices were limiting.
For example, if we lived with lack and decided to make do with little, we will always settle for less than we could have.
Or the choice not to love prevents us forming relationships later.
The choice to punish stops us from creating success.
When one remembers the choice and the atmosphere in which it was made and makes a new choice in the same intensity, the new choice will always supersede the old one.
The pituitary gland is responsible for rebuilding nerve pathways, and so healing it can restore movement to paralysed areas of the body.
This requires the patient to embrace the pain that caused the paralysis.
At this point damaged areas of the body can totally regenerate.
When this happens an intense burning can be felt as the kundalini rises.
Once the pituitary gland is healed, the pineal gland automatically starts to clear. One now becomes fully aware of how one creates one’s own reality, and so will never play the victim again.
From now on we continuously work on manifesting our dreams, and for every problem that arises, we become aware of how to change it by changing our consciousness.

Psychic abilities also awaken here.
After the glandular system, we then heal the spine.
Since the spine supplies nerves to all the other organs, sometimes an organ won’t heal completely until the corresponding vertebrae is cleared of calcification so that there is full nerve supply.
The spine is associated with the will.
Each time ones will is bent, or one gives one’s power away, the spine is distorted.
In healing the spine we recognise and overcome all the subtle manipulations and weapons of control that people use on us.
There are 8 basic weapons of control.

1-The first, and crudest, is force.
Which can vary from bullying to rape, or imprisonment for some real or imagined crime.
2-The second is fear.
The fear may be of disapproval, pain, loneliness, or fear of God.
3-The third weapon is guilt.
This is easily manipulated by inventing a standard of acceptable behaviour.

4-The fourth weapon is untruth.
Which can mean lying or withholding information.
This prevents you from having the right information you need to make the best decision for yourself.
A typical example is hiding infidelity so that your partner does not leave you, ie they cannot choose to have a committed relationship.

5-The fifth weapon is duty.
Again, someone invents a proper behaviour for you and you’re supposed to honour it.

6-The sixth weapon is altruism, which teaches us to sacrifice our needs for others. This is created by distorting our natural care and compassion for others.

7-The seventh is image manipulation.
Someone invents an image and makes you feel defective if you don’t live up to it. They use such statements as “if you were a man you would do this.”

8-The eighth weapon is approval.
You can be prevented from doing what you want by someone disapproving of you. Once these basic eight weapons have been recognised and overcome you will never give power away to others again.

Once the spine is fully cleared, the kundalini can rise into the head.
Here we release the deepest cause of problems.
We move beyond emotions and memories into deeper and more primordial unconsciousness programming.
We begin with the temporal bone, which is connected to the tentorium, which attaches to the oldest part of the nervous system. This affects our basic survival instincts.
Here we begin to release the veils to perception, which are survival templates in the brain that cloud our perception.
These templates are structured to receive neuro-peptides in order to register information received by the senses.
Any information that does not fit the templates will not register, so these templates filter all our experiences and keep us limited within well-defined parameters of consciousness.

1 -The first template can be called the 
Veil of genes and hormones.
Our genes and hormones have their own agenda; they want to reproduce and find a new host, and when they have done that, we can die.
This causes women to become broody, so they have children, often when their lives are ready to expand in other areas, and they may have to give up her career.
It causes men to want to sow their seed as far as possible, which can ruin any loving relationship they want to build.
It also causes competition in men, as the fittest need to reproduce, so everyone wants to be on top.

2-The second is the social veil, which causes us to fit into society, rather than be individuals.
As each Veil is built upon the last, society is structured on the genetic Veil, ie the need for a strong leader. As a result, people learn not to trust themselves, as they are supposed to trust the one in charge.
Since society is meant to survive by itself, our needs are often lost to the needs of the whole, which usually really means the wishes of the one in charge.
Society is also meant to protect us from chaos.
This was useful when that chaos meant all the dangers that can come from the wilderness, but now we need a certain amount of chaos to allow creativity and magick.
With personal need, self-trust and chaos all taken from us, we are very limited.

3-The third is the Veil of ego.
With a base of competition, our egos learn to measure everything by superiority. We then get caught in games of better than or worse than, which lead to delusions of grandeur and insignificance, both of which take us away from real power.

4-The fourth is the Veil of power.
In a chauvinist society based on competition, we learn to measure power by impact, rather than by resonance.
We see a powerful person as the one who can push everyone else around, rather than the vulnerable person who creates miracles.
To understand resonance consider that right now you are surrounded by all the love your higher self has for you and all the love the goddess has for you.
Your present resonance determines how much of that love you receive.
You can’t force the goddess to love you more, because she already loves you totally. If you change your resonance, you can receive more from the goddess, and your entire reality can change.
This is real power.

5-The fifth is the 
Veil of unhappiness.
It is a survival instinct to be unhappy, because when you are happy you’re not on your guard against danger.
You may notice, some time when you’re quite happy alone until someone who is likely to ask you for something enters the room, then you quickly look miserable. When you’re unhappy you are less likely to be imposed upon.
You forget that you can be happy and still say no.

6-The sixth is the Veil of the past.
Instinctively we use our past experiences to determine our responses to possible dangers.
This makes us believe that causes are in the past, so we become trapped in a world of cause and effect.
In order to make fundamental changes, we must see causes in the future not the past.
At any moment, there are many possible futures trying to happen, and the one that gets most attention happens.
Creating change by working with the past has limited effect.
By weeding and cultivating our futures, we make change that is fundamental and permanent.

7-The seventh is the Veil of addiction.
The root of all addiction is addiction to the past or of being special.
As the veils of ego and the past become stronger, the Veil of addiction is formed. Since these veils are survival instincts, they cannot be released rationally, but only by the correct point holding method.
At this point new transmissions are given to bring healing to this deep instinctive level.

The next part of the cranial work we call the triple axis, as we press three points at once:
1-the pterygoid plate,
2-the coronoid process,
3-and the zygomatic arch.
This releases the pterygoideus, masseter and temporalis muscles, which reflex the pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands.
This releases the deepest pain, and in so doing heals the split from the higher self. As the cranial bones return to their perfect configuration, the skull acts as an amplifier, amplifying ones power of thought projection by 10,000 times.
The pterygoid hamulus, a very delicate bone that is usually damaged, is also regenerated.
It can now act as an antenna for psychic waves.
This technique therefore restores psychic ability and connection to the higher self.

The Diet
Since greatest changes occur to the body in this healing, it is important to have sufficient nutrients to sustain these changes.
When bone is restructured, a lot of calcium is needed.
Regenerating the glandular system requires a lot of zinc.
To be sure the body has all the minerals it needs, it is best to take a wide range of minerals in colloidal form.
The diet should consist of organic food, as petrochemicals in the soil lower mineral absorption by the plant.
It is also important to have plenty of enzymes.
These are catalysts which are required for every process in the body.
The law of adaptive secretion states that the body can only produce a limited amount of enzymes.
If it has to produce more digestive enzymes, it has less capacity to produce the metabolic enzymes needed for other bodily processes such as healing.
Raw food contains enzymes to help digest it.
Cooking destroys enzymes, so eating cooked food rates are greater demand on the body to produce digestive enzymes.
For this reason we need to eat raw food during the healing programme.
When the body is going through great change, it is all the more important to have sufficient enzymes.
We therefore recommend an organic, raw food diet with added supplementation of colloidal minerals and natural food enzymes.
Since the body tends to cleanse itself, it is also important to avoid any toxic products such as coffee, alcohol or any heavily refined or processed foods.
All chemical additives should be avoided, as should GMOs.
Protein is provided by nuts and seeds, but these should be soaked for 24 hours in order to break down the enzyme inhibitors before eating them. In their dry state, all seeds contain an enzyme inhibitor which helps to keep it stable.
When soaked to the point of germination, the enzyme inhibitors are broken down and enzymes are produced.

Natural supplements such as bee pollen, nutritional yeast, wheat grass or blue- green algae are also useful.
Synthetic vitamins, on the other hand, should be avoided, as they suppress the healing crisis and therefore hinder transformation.
For example, when a person takes a large amount of vitamin C to suppress a cold, a mucus ring forms in the eye just as if they had taken drugs to suppress the cold.
All vitamin tablets contain synthetics.
A vitamin C tablet of 500 mg from natural sources would have to be the size of a golf ball.
There are actually 47 compounds contributing to vitamin C activity; synthetic ascorbic acid is not the same.
The general rule is to trust in nature, not the laboratory.

The Healing Crisis
Evolution is not always gradual and gentle but usually consists of sudden transformations occurring in times of crisis.
When a person undergoes a great transformation, there can also be a kind of crisis, as the body, mind and personality are all been rearranged.
As the body cleanses itself, toxins can be released from every orifice.
They can be a runny nose, a cough, nausea or diarrhoea.
There can often be a fever that lasts a short time.
It is important not to suppress these symptoms as they are part of a healing process.
The things that got you into the healing crisis will get you through it quickly.
This means the pure foods that raise your vibration.
Muscle testing does not work during a healing crisis, as they test what takes you towards balance.

During the healing crisis, anything that raises your vibration will take you further away from your previous level of balance and will therefore test week.
Anything that lowers your vibration will take you back down towards that balance and will therefore test strong.
A common mistake is to rush to your kinesiologist when you feel out of balance, and when he tests all your natural foods they test week, so he assumes you’re allergic to them all.
When he tests all his synthetic supplements, which lower your vibration, they test strong, and so he suggests you take them all.
Your vibration is lowered back to your previous level, so you feel better but no breakthrough is made.

There is also an emotional healing crisis as all past suppressed emotions come back up to the surface.
It is important to welcome these feelings and then they will soon pass.
The reason people may resist here is that the ego resists any big change.
To stop this from happening we need to learn to recognise the egos language.
The ego always blames, denies or justifies.
If you are doing that you are in ego.
 It is also useful to recognise at which stage the egos development got stuck.
The infantile ego sees the world as a dangerous place and is concerned with getting enough.
The adolescent ego is concerned with being good enough.
The young adult stage of ego is concerned with learning or growing fast enough.
The fully matured ego says “I am enough”.
As we begin to heal our ego, it matures through these stages.
You can work on healing your ego by first recognising how it works and then giving it to your higher self to be healed and matured in meditation.
Assess your ego by looking at what makes you feel better than others, what things do you blame, deny or justify, and how you relate to the world.
With a matured ego, you no longer resist change, and the healing crisis goes quickly and smoothly.
A participant wrote the following:

Thank you for sharing your experience of this workshop that you attended with Peter Aziz.
Since the Ayahuasca ceremony I attended in Amsterdam with Peter on the Solstice weekend that you had organised in June 2009 I have felt the deepest shift within me that I have experienced.
Thank you for arranging that ceremony otherwise I might well not have come into contact with Peter, his workshops or his ceremonies with black Ayahuasca.



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