26 July 2019 The Galactic Frequency of this Mayan New Year summons the Powers of the Wizard

Galactic New Year: Magnetic Moon 1: Kin 14, White Magnetic Wizard (26 July 2019)
White Magnetic Wizard: Kin 14
“I Unify in order to Enchant
Attracting Receptivity
I Seal the Output of Timelessness
With the Magnetic Tone of Purpose
I am Guided by My Own Power Doubled.”
The White Magnetic Wizard Year calls us to re-enchant our lives; to know the power of our philosophies, and to see every word as a spell that creates new realities. 
It is time to wield our power with love, embrace our divine dimensions, and be the wizards of Light that we seek to be. Become one with your soul’s purpose awaken the divine desires and gifts that we are encoded with. 
The Magnetic frequency encoded within this year reminds us that we are magnet by nature to all things. We divinely align with our hearts and our soul’s purpose; we will attract resources, guidance, allies, knowledge, magic, and grace. White Wizard is your Conscious Self – who you are and who you are becoming. 
Wizards know that the past, present and future are one; life is a sacred continuum. White Wizard is the Magician, whose powers are activated by the knowledge that emanates from the heart. An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe. White Wizard asks you to fully participate in this magic.
White Wizard is your own power doubled
White Wizard invites you to step into self-empowerment. 
Empowerment comes from self-acceptance, integrity, and commitment to your evolution. 
When you feel effectively engaged, doing what gives you joy, your energy naturally expands to include more of your light and the magic flows. 
Claim your placement with the highest Light. 
Align your own will with divine will Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it. 
Open to the power of heart-knowing. 
White Wizard is a tool of the light, a conduit for the work of Spirit. A wise magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing magic to come in rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A magician dances the dance of love through offering gifts of freedom to others. This is real magic. Freed from the need to use power to manipulate or control, a magician uses wisdom to manifest liberation and love.


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