Awakening . Recalibration

Humanity is in a place of learning to truly see, to create, to make real by looking through the quantum portal, deep into the proverbial rabbit hole.

It is time to change the description of what once defined thought.
A call to duty is announced to all that are willing to expand.

 Without playing favoritism with any particular side of creation, exchange the cross for the crown.

Encircling what you want with clear intention, dotting your “I AM’s” and uncrossing your “t’s”.
Any and all limitations are the source of your power.
Any darkness you battle can be a source of power if transformed from lead into gold.
 What stretches you comes from all sources.
You have changed forever never to return to who you once were.
You sit perched on a new branch of heart and light awaiting a signal of when it is safe to fly, neither sign, nor signal comes.
You must rely only upon your own intuition to move forward.
As this singularity you sit in a place of great power and sacredness; all that you do or do not do is created by you and you alone.

By seeing the existing blessings in your transformative lives you will create a connection for this wave of blessedness to adhere to.
The more thoughts you have of blessing what is in your life right now the more energy is generated, and the easier the new connection will be made.
Thoughts of thankfulness and gratitude beckon this wave of blessedness; thoughts of negativity repel it.
The fruits of all past labors of life and love can be now tasted and supped upon.
What was once thought to be lost is found within ones very own life.

Energy spent in helping others was placed into a universal account that has accrued to mighty proportions.
Nothing was every lost or wasted or tossed away in thoughts and actions of goodness and kindness.
All actions of inherent good have been counted and accounted for by the universal abacus. All time spent in prayer and kind thoughts for others has been exponentially expanded and multiplied beyond earth’s ability to count.
A great amount of heavenly rewards finds itself on the road to the masses.
Fractals restructure themselves into different patterns of thought as the light within the unexpected and unexplained is turned up so high that even the 3 blind mice can see.

You are leaving the energy of what has so distracted you and moving into a place of sharp focus.
Chose to see all or nothing, do not turn a blind 3rd eye to any possibility. 


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