11:11 - Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,

On November 11, the exalted moment of 11:11 for this year, the Archangels hold the Celestial Gateway open so you can access your Golden Template of Light  the 5th dimensional template for your new crystalline light body holding the frequencies for full divinity within your human form.

As you step through the Gateway, you are fully supported by the Angelic Dimensions to anchor this divine template of Light into your human form.
It has been divinely decreed that on this day of 11-11, your new Golden Template is activated for you to fully download into your life.
When you have the preparation established within you, it is exhilarating to step through the portal provided by the Archangels during this 11:11 opening.
The Gateways of Power are clear entries established on inter-dimensional levels, to create alignment within your energy systems.
You are being offered an empowerment so you can feel the operation of higher frequencies in a condensed moment of time.
Once you sense the alignment within yourself, you are forever changed.
You can claim this empowerment, access these exalted states that exist beyond the Gateway and use them to bless your own life and all of humanity.

The Gateway of the Archangels

On November 11, your Golden Crystalline Template is activated to be grounded into the new frequencies of your human body through access to the pathways opened by the Archangels.

Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Sandalphon stand present as they hold Divine Light in massive pillars at the gateway that opens for you during this sacred moment in time.

Archangel Sandalphon 
holds frequencies of Earth’s crystalline grid so you can anchor and become familiar with the new 5D energy systems.
Archangel Gabriel 
holds the power for Balance of the sacred masculine and feminine to awaken on the Earth, which allows Unity consciousness within each man, woman and child.

Archangel Michael  
offers you the courage to step into your highest potential as a blended divine human in 5D consciousness.

Archangel Raphael 
offers immersion into the Light of Divine Love that permeates every cell and brings into you the highest frequency your human form can integrate in this sacred moment of 11:11.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel


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