The Cycle of Venus and the Age of Awareness

By Agent 12 – Juilja Simas
On June 6th UTC 2012 the planet Venus made a rare Transit across the face of the Sun. 
As astrologers understand a transit in a different sense, we often refer to this phenomena as a Venus Occultation. 
As Venus is 113 times smaller than the Sun , she does not obscure or hide the Sun as occultation suggests, but instead becomes a travelling beauty spot, a black dot moving across the Sun’s disc for 6hours and 40 minutes.

This rare event occurs with Venus in retrograde phase, closest in her cycle to Earth, at an inferior conjunction.
The difference from every other retrograde passing which happen every 584 days, 19 months , 1.6 years, is that a Transit happens only every 121.5 years or 105.5  alternating between the signs of Gemini or Sagittarius.
The transits then happen in pairs(usually*) 8 years apart.

A total Venus Transit cycle from one set of Transits in a sign and then back to the same sign is 243 years, closely aligned with a Pluto cycle of 248 years.  

The Transits have been occurring in  the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius since 60 ACE and will continue now beyond 4000 ACE until the descending node, Sagittarius and the ascending node, Gemini move off into the next signs.
The Transits move forward in the zodiac  with the last “Age” of Venus Transits being in Taurus and Scorpio and the next in Cancer and Capricorn.
We are currently experiencing the Transits in mid Gemini and Sagittarius which oscillate between  17 and 14 degrees of these two signs.

During a retrograde passage Venus usually disappears into the beams of the Sun and is not visible from 16-20 days depending on local latitudes and atmospherics and declination.  

Venus Retrograde periods of 40 days-40 nights and also her non -visibility periods(inferior conjunction 20-16 days and during her superior conjunction for approx 90 days)are understood symbolically as Venus in the underworld, invisible and  weakened .  

This time however she is much more glorious,  as this time mid disappearance although for only 6 hours 40mins, she emblazons herself on the face of Sun in her fullness and not as we usually see her, in a phase as being half full, crescent or gibbous, but a full a visible, beauty spot!

The Sun our guiding light our number one star, symbolic of life force itself, purpose, growth and unity consciousness absorbs Venus into his heart.
Two hearts come together as Venus too has a heart, embodying all that represents love, attraction, peace and harmony. 

Two hearts conjoin in something more than what we usually understand as Cazimi.
A truly alchemical and passionate embrace the integration of the divine feminine and masculine, fusing  their creative principles and beaming them out onto the Earth.

An astronomical view of the Venus cycle.

The Sun and Venus come together every 9.5 months, from one conjunction, inferior, to the next superior, and so on.
A constantly forming cycle making a pentagon around the zodiac reminding us of the eternal cycle of creation .
This current pentagon is created in the signs of Gemini 15, Aries 8, Capricorn 23, Scorpio 3 and Leo 23 in that order. 
Every second time they meet they create the wonderful Pentacle around the zodiac, with 5 retrograde loops made every 1.6 years taking 8 years to complete one complete cycle around the zodiac

The next retrograde will be this occultation in June 2012 Gemini, 1.6 years , 19 months later the next retrograde loop will be in Capricorn in Jan 2014, then Leo August 2015,  Aries March 2017, Scorpio Nov 2018 and back to Gemini 8 years from now in June 2020. 

(as shown in diagram below)

The magic of the Venus cycle unfolds with every loop,  with one synodic cycle, a revolution around the Sun,  she forms a rose petal or a heart shape and then another and another every 1.6 years.
A  magnificent rose begins to form around the Sun with a full pentacle shaping itself  in the middle. The Heart and Rose intimately related to Venus as symbols of love , beauty and attraction.

I have made an animation of this sequence posted on our Facebook page which shows exactly how this pattern is made.

Besides the Heart, Rose and Pentacle, the Venus cycle is closely linked to the ratios of  Sacred Geometry, the Golden Mean as well as the Fibonacci sequence. 
As Venus makes her 5 points in 8 years the ratio 5/8  is  1.6, 1.6 years being also her synodic cycle, this ratio is  known also as the phi ratio, the divine proportion in sacred geometry.
Sacred geometry is a science that explains physical energy patterns of growth and harmony, found everywhere in the natural world. We see these examples in the nautilus shell, a spiral galaxy and an unfolding rose  and these principles and ratios have been used since ancient times in art, design and architecture to create harmony, balance, aesthetics and beauty .
The Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical formula of growth, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 etc,  also embodies this phi ratio where each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two and divide as the 1.6 ratio.  We are reminded with these exquisite connections of Venus and her cycle around the Sun as a pure and divine creative force.

The Transits through the Ages
It is interesting to see how the Transits of Venus have coincided with major shifts  in consciousness throughout the cycles between Gemini or Sagittarius Ages being 243- years or alternating shorter Ages from one to the next the 121.5 or 105.5 year cycle.
It does appear that the oscillating mini  Ages of Venus connect us to a renewed spirit – culturally , scientifically, politically, religiously and philosophically shifting our perspectives, guiding our principles and shaping our values. 
The shifting world view is shaped by Venus, representing our changing values, our social attachments, what we are attached to, what is popular, what we like and what we dislike permeating culture, fashion, art, our connection to our environment, religion, politics, knowledge, science and all help inform and create the new world.

A brief look at the past few mini Ages from the Renaissance to now gives us an idea of some of the things that created waves and  shifts in collective consciousness:

1518 -1526 –  Gemini – 13 – 11   The Renaissance
A Rebirth on many levels promoting a spirit of discovery and new developments in the Arts, philosophy, science, religion and culture.
Martin Luther began the Reformation

Magellan began the circumnavigation around the globe,
Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci (died)1519, Medici’s, Machiavelli, Paracelsus all thrived and left their legacies for the world to come.
Although only accepted 100 years  later, Copernicus first explained his heliocentric theory and system to the then Pope.
–  Pluto was in Capricorn for both the 1518 and 1526 transit s, along with Neptune and Chiron in Pisces for 1526

1631 – 1639 – Sagittarius 13 – 12 s   Age of Reason
A cosmological revolution in science and religion.
Galileo discovers Venus and her phases  and 1612 the Moons of Jupiter leading to developing further his ideas on the Solar System
Galileo published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
Far sighted Galileo was held up by the inquisition in 1633 jailed for rest of life where he wrote the  “Two New Sciences” and died in jail in 1642. Galileo built on the work of Copernicus a Venus Age before.
Descartes’ original statement was
“Je pense donc je suis,” – “I think therefore I am”
become the foundation of western philosophy
– This transit was predicted by Kepler who died in 1930, with the first transit to be seen and recorded was by Jeremiah Horrocks on December 4, 1639 in England
– Newton was born just after in 1642.
Pluto was in Taurus for both transits

1761- 1769 – Gemini  15 –  14   Age of Enlightenment
Discovery, 1st Industrial Age, the scientific revolution and natural philosophy led to new inventions, discoveries, Ideas  and a call for freedom.
1751 – 1772  
First Encyclopaedia(french) a Systematic Dictionary of the Sciences, Arts and Crafts was published
Encyclopaedia Britannica – Now only digital version available 244 years  later
– Diderot, Rousseau and Voltaire, wrote on the freedom of religion, trade, free speech, separation of church and state ,
Benjamin Franklin experiments with lightning, electricity and meteorology
Captain Cook’s expedition to Tahiti to watch the transit of Venus, was the first with telescopes, a global collaboration between countries and scientists who used this event to calculate the distance between the Sun and the Earth.

1781 – Discovery of Uranus, revolutions, rebellions, wars
– The world became industrialized and connected due to inventions such as the Davy lamp, Electricity and later the telegraph, ushered in a New Age from a  feudal to industrial world.
– Pluto was in Capricorn for second transit 1769

1874-1882 – Sagittarius – 14 –  13     Age of Imperialism
Growth, Expansion,  2nd Industrial Age, Modern Cities, Progress
Blavatsky  formed the  Theosophical Society was formed as a nucleus of a Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color
– Nietzsche’s  influential philosophy included the Death of God, Perspectivism, the Ubermensch and eternal recurrence ,
– Rudolf Steiner , Darwin (died 1882), Marx, Engels (died 1895), Albert Einstein (born 1879), Carl Jung (born 1875) all had strong influences around this time and into the Age ahead.
– 1885 The first skyscraper  built in Chicago 10 storeys high the first steel skeleton
– Pluto was in Taurus for both transits

It is interesting to note that Pluto for any of these Transit dates will be in Capricorn for the Gemini Transit and in Taurus for the Sagittarian one.
Global evolution, the transformative qualities of Pluto in earth signs and the Venus Transits marry up as guides for what lies at the heart of our global shifts in consciousness.
Although these mini ages stem for years and decades before and after the dates for the transits, we can view them as periods of shifting priorities, beliefs and focus. 
We are now living in what I like to call an Age  of Awareness. Gemini Ages seem to relate to a flourishing of discoveries, inventions, new ideas, and an openness to shifting gears.
Sagittarius Ages seem to define truth, doctrine, rules, and following the right path, focused, directed. Both Ages however carry with them the essence of the opposite polarity.
In the macrocosm of Sagittarius the worldview, the big picture  we find the microcosm of Gemini, forever searching seeking,  learning and inventing and through the microcosm of forever searching ,seeking, learning and reinventing we gain a better understanding of the big picture, and so it continues.
Our worldview seems to shift from going forward with a plan, guideline, belief,  connecting strongly to what we believe is the right way – Sagittarius,  to then questioning, rethinking, replanning, reinventing and relearning , from a newfound awareness- Gemini.
In this Age of Awareness which follows a period of rapid growth, excess, greed, world wars, moving forward no matter what cost, we find ourselves in a world at a pivotal point.
We face many environmental and ecological issues, coping  with dwindling resources, water and energy supplies.
We are changing our minds and seriously re-thinking where we are heading. Many questions arise and we don’t know everything,  we are raising awareness, seeking truth and reprogramming the beliefs we once stood by.
Our minds move to being more tuned to chaos theories, energy waves and vibrating atoms as we understand our world being shaped by invisible energy field’s and are no longer dedicated to Newtonian principles.  
Terms such as Sacred Economics, Microbanking, fractal mathematics , new archeological discoveries and other  breakthroughs are making inroads as alternatives to what we thought previously was always the only way.

Between 2004 and now 2012
with the world wide web at our fingertips a digital age and also a new vocabulary –  wikipedia, google , ipod, ipad,  texting, transparency etc etc and the great rise and rise of social media and networking, we are  constantly reminded of living in a rapidly changing world.
Everyone is communicating somehow through the social networks, everyone is a blogger and has a voice, everyone has access to so much information, wrong or right and in true Gemini fashion sticks with the brotherhood or other like minded people to join some sort of cause.
The period between the Transits of 2004 and 2012 the last Venus Transits are  quite significant when we consider:

You Tube
Kyoto protocol first UN environmental treaty

The demotion of Pluto to dwarf planet creating dwarf planets – Ceres,  Makemake , Eris , Sedna Creating a pantheon of feminine goddesses   amongst the planets
Eg Cosmos and Psyche – Rick Tarnas – The rise of Astrology in Academia, Kepler College, MA Cultural Astrology at University of Wales 
The Secret (Film and Book- Rhonda Byrne
An Inconvenient Truth – Al Gore – gave rise to many ecologically focused movies that followed


The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World- Lynne Mac Taggart Author of “The Field” 2003, and many more
Wikileaks  – Transparency  – the  publishing of private, secret, and classified media from anonymous sources
Zeitgeist Movies by Peter Joseph educates millions as to the money system and how it”really” works, banks, fraud, conspiracies

The GFC ……….ongoing

Spontaneous Evolution – Bruce Lipton

Anonymous Movement  –  a global group of hackers and activist determined to change the world
Occupy  – the rise of people in the streets protesting against greed and corruption in the corporations, governments the 1% as opposed to the  the 99%

– We the C*I*A started our first web page on our website Dec 2007, our first Facebook page in 2008 as a group, then ur current Fan Page with over One Million likes and rising by thousands daily in April 2011.

– AND MUCH MORE![3902]/0/


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