Can Shamanism Connect Humans To The Mind Of An Animal?

Many who practice shamanism feel a deep, empathetic link to animals and may even better understand the animal mind.
Taking it a step further, the ability to enter the mind of an animal to take command of its body and utilize the creature’s keen senses is a fascinating thought.

Ancient shamanic illustrations and totem poles have been found all over the world depicting a close bond with nature and wildlife, making it clear that the embrace of shamanism provides one with a sense of unity with their environment.
Many shamanistic cultures have long revered a connection to certain animals - mainly falcons and owls.
Could this bond be powerful and sacred enough to allow access to the consciousness of the very being of another creature?
Some of those that continue to practice shamanism today have given accounts of having incredibly lucid and life-like dreams or visions of being an animal and having the chance to experience life in this altered consciousness.

Many users of the potent psychedelic brew Ayahuasca report communing with animal spirits of the forest through a form of telepathy.
One paradigm shifting view that often results from either extreme spiritual practice or psychedelic plant use is an understanding of consciousness as non-local.
This means that our brains are likened to a radio receiving a signal of consciousness, rather than self-generating consciousness.
With this understanding consciousness itself may override the nervous system and have out of body experiences like astral projection, remote viewing and perhaps even warging.

In George R. R. Martin’s novel series 'A Song Of Ice And Fire' and ‘The Game of Thrones’ there are these beings referred to as ‘skinchangers’ or ‘wargs’ that are able to take control of the minds of beasts at will.
Although a strictly fictional story, the author drew influence from actual history and age-old knowledge like Norse Mythology.
The fantasy-fiction series offers some compelling thoughts and morals that could be incorporated into real life if one were to achieve this talent through the practice of shamanism.

In this book it's recommended that if you warg you follow these steps:

- Never enter the mind of an animal while it is having sex
- Never enter the mind of an animal while it is eating human flesh
- Never attempt to enter the mind of a human
- Don’t spend too long in the body of an animal. The animal’s body would not be suited for the sophistication of the human consciousness and thus, the mind will forget what it is like to be human and one would lose the ability to command their consciousness back to their human body.


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