Dragonfly "medicine" 2015

2015 is going to be an astonishing and magical year on Planet Earth.
The Energy that is the Guardian and Keeper of this year is that of the Dragonfly.
Dragonfly is the Keeper of the Portals of Magic, Dreams and Mystery.
It is a fitting energy to guide our emergence into the Sixth Dimension of Magic and Dream manifestation.
As we anchor the magical sixth dimension on Earth, Dragonfly will assist in guiding us into a new magical and shamanic reality.

New Shamanism is a way of living as well as a perception of reality that draws on the ancient path of the Shaman.  But, in the 21st century, this path is expressed and experienced at a new level of awareness that incorporates higher consciousness, compassion and creativity.
This new consciousness can embrace Dragonfly "medicine", or the energy signature of the Dragonfly. This is the ability to transform, to dream and to weave light into Magical Manifestation.

Transformation with Dragonfly Magic

The Dragonfly begins its life in water, and then transforms rapidly from its water element beginning into a winged creature that can fly and hover in the air above the water in an exotic dance of luminescent light.
So it will be in 2015.
You will find that life and events will require very rapid shifts and transformations.
You will be challenged to raise your consciousness and perception and to take flight on the wings of creative imagination.
You will no longer be able to simply swim along in the currents of lower collective consciousness, but you will feel the urge and the need to transform your life and rebirth as something and someone more beautiful and creative.
You will be called to the dance of Life on the glittering paths of the Diamond Light.
That light will shimmer in your spirit wings as you dance with the Light!
This urge to transform and to creative "flight" will be felt also on the collective level, and there will be events on the Earth that will require collective transformation and an imaginative response.
These will be opportunities to rise above old ways of thinking and perception based on fear and lack, and to rise up to a new level of co-operation and creation as a Planetary family.
As you are awakened to this reality, you will find it easier to simply allow yourself to transform, to rise up and respond in magical ways.
You are the Dreamweaver, the Magical Dancer, creating the luminescent dance of life.

Keepers of Magic

As you work with Dragonfly magic, you too will become a Keeper of Divine Magic.
Dragonfly teaches us how to move between worlds and dimensions, and how to weave dreams that create new realities.
The magical dreams that you will weave will be the creation of your reality and your timelines.
Your life will become as fluid and graceful as a Dragonfly's dance, creating magic and light in your wake.
You have learnt to be aware that life is an illusion, now you will learn to weave this illusion into a field of magical light that will reflect your energy signature and your love and compassion.



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