Rise of the Indigo

Ideas seem to run all over the place as to what exactly Indigo’s are. 
I’m willing to guess that if you’re visiting this website with some frequency and are able to resonate with much of its content, you may indeed be one of them. 
They’ve been called many things but Indigo suits me fine. 
They’re not the relatively new phenomenon that’s been suggested by some within the spiritual community. 
They have been around for thousands of years although their numbers have been widely dispersed throughout the world making them a bit of a rarity. 
They are, however, now coming into existence at numbers greater than ever before. 
This rampant influx likely gives the appearance of a new phenomenon and so that might be the reason for this confusion. 
They are not new, but they are mighty and they are now “waking” and returning en masse to answer a calling.

The Indigo (child/adult) is known for their sensitivity (hypersensitivity), emotionality and intuitive knowing. 
- They are frequently misunderstood by others and are often considered aloof or in some way odd and unorthodox in how they see and do things. 
- They love animals (are often vegetarian or feel a compunction to go in that direction) and can connect almost psychically with other species. 
-They have a sense of oneness with Universe and can see through the lies and deception orchestrated by the social engineers. 
- The indigo can have a temper and may not always give the impression of being sublime and spiritually balanced. This is because the indigo is not a passive entity; they are here to observe and correct the injustices being done on this planet and want to proactively protect the benevolent souls who inhabit her. 
It’s my opinion that the Indigo is part of the Gaia defense system. She felt an “infection” and called upon her “antibodies.” 
- They are psychic warriors and their vibration is hot and intense indeed.

At the innermost layer of my proverbial onion I see the role of the Indigo and understand why they are here. 
We live in a time when lies and deception have hijacked our most vital truths. 
One needs to go no further than the daily news to get a good whiff of that hands-off, rotting onion that looks so nice dressed in its shiny façade. 
We are often led in a false direction because a truth has been carefully placed along the path. 
Yes, just enough truth to bait our interest and sway us off course. Brilliant really! 
You just gotta hand it to those silly, meddling Archons.

It‘s not easy seeing through the cloud of deception that surrounds us. 
Gaia knows this. 
It’s much easier to accept the programmed reality playing out before us and pay no attention to the smoke and mirrors that wreak havoc on our perceptions. 
Ah, but not so fast says the Indigo. 
- They have eyes that can see and ears that can listen. 
- Their mission is to separate the truth from the tentacles of lies that suffocate it. 
Yes, they seem a little weird and different because they are! 
But for them, they are trying their best to fit in despite the difficulties associated with operating at a higher vibration. 
- They realize they must fit in to be effective in communicating their urgent messages.
Yes- best beware of the eyes of the Indigo. 
- They will see right through those who will do harm to others, the disingenuous, the deceivers, the charlatans and the wolves who leer with bloodstained teeth ‘neath the hides of slaughtered lamb. - - You’re clear as light to them. 
- They will know you by your deeds and actions and the energy you possess. The subtle vibrations in your speech, your smell and the very presence you exude will not escape the ultra aware and keenly perceptive Indigo.
- The animals, plants and trees, even the tiniest insects speak to the Indigo. 
- True as the rock along the path, the Indigo will note, it too imparts a language for those attuned to its vibration. 
- And so the Sun, Moon and stars whisper their song into the musical ear of this child of light. 
It is to these energies they answer and not to implied conventions and artificial constructs that society promotes as normal. 
- They are of the first religion and know the voice of Creator. So for the powers that (think they are) your old tricks are running stale. Your templates of conformity will not capture the energetic expression of these entities amassing before you. Your hold on the Indigo is no greater than a fishnet at holding water. And so it is.

**This article was originally published at The Rattle Report.**
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


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