Healing Relationships through Resolving the Conflict of Duality by Gabriel

We are here to talk about 2014... a year of 'Healing Relationships, through Resolving the Conflict of Duality.'

We want to start with making sure you are clear about the bigger picture. 
The planet is in a stage of profound evolution, an awakening into more of your potential. 
You are evolving into the next root race on the planet... through the awakening of the soul consciousness for the first time in the history of the planet.

To help you further understand, you have primarily developed the lower self during your mass evolution so far. 
The first four root races helped you to focus on the development of the lower three chakras, with lifetimes dealing with the  
1st chakra (safety, security and survival), 
the 2nd chakra (the emotional body), 
the 3rd chakra (development of the mental body and lower will)... and most recently in the present root race with the development of the personality (as a combination of all lower chakras).
 You are presently moving into an energetic connection to the heart chakra, an event that will allow you to know that you are spiritual beings in a direct, individual way. 
Much more of your potential will be revealed as you integrate this opening and acceleration.

It began its most rapid acceleration in the last decade or so of the 20th century and continued to the year of 2012, when you reached the midpoint of the universe/Milky Way.

The mid-point is what you are learning to integrate at this time. 
The heart is the mid-point of your being, joining the lower and higher selves. 

You are also at the mid-point of planetary evolution, much like reaching the mid-life potential in the macrocosm. 
At mid-life, more kundalini/ sexual force is released in an attempt to awaken you into more of your potential.  
However, up until this time, when you are being energetically supported to move into the heart space, that energy has only slammed into the blocks of defense and fear that you have accumulated. And therefore, it has only accelerated the movement into the end of your life cycles.

This is because this is what you were prepared to handle, and it did not serve you to stay in the physical vehicle within the given limitations. 
Instead, you would learn from the limits you had built up, as well as prepare to let go of the physical vehicle. 
You were then freed to move on to the next learning cycle and lifetime.

At this stage, however, you are prepared to begin moving into the new potential of mid-life, as you move into the midpoint of your bodies and consciousness.

The deeper truth is that this is when you are intended to awaken from the release of kundalini energy into an awakening of your higher spiritual awareness.  
And in this next stage you will awaken into a more direct experience that you are all made up of God-consciousness. You are each a sacred part of God.

And so, as you do the inner work required (learning to connect to your inner life, developing the qualities of the heart to nurture and resolve the wounding held in the memory of the lower self), you will be able to open and create lives of meaning, value and purpose.

Up to this point, most people have searched and searched for a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. 
What is my purpose? 
What is the point? 
I want my life to matter. 
But you have been wounded children, searching outside yourselves in most ways. 
This is because you had no models who could encourage you to land in your inner selves, as the source and home base.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God... is an encouragement to seek the connection to your inner sacred selves, which is found in the heart or the midpoint of your consciousness.

This is what you are ready to do on the planet and have made great progress as a planet in these decades. 
We are here to give you further clues that will allow you greater access to what is possible for each one of you.

However, you must be willing to respond, to look within and take responsibility for all that is out of balance, stuck in fear, shame, separation and defense. 
You must become the empowered adults who show up for the wounded child part of yourselves... so that you literally re-parent those children held in the lower self, frozen and wounded. 
You must become the adults who nurtures yourself in ways that are just becoming apparent on your planet at this time.

This is the overview that is necessary for you to understand in order to take advantage of these next layers of information. And the information must then be responded to with conscious, nurturing choices if you are to know the EXPERIENCE of the soul... which is what is attempting to awaken at the midpoint of the heart.

You have not known the soul or the love force on your planet up to this point for the most part. 
The soul has operated behind the scenes of your lives, guiding you from lifetime to lifetime through the foundational layers, the more primitive parts of your potential.

However, at this time, you are preparing the physical body to be able to raise its energy, its vibration and frequency, to the point where it will be able to handle the radiatory force of the soul.

We have given much information over the years as to what is involved in this process and how to work with these energies. 
This is what is the primary focus at Children of Light, creating ways to pass on pieces of that information one layer at a time... as you learn what it means to truly love one another, as you love yourselves.

This is becoming possible in ways that were never accessible before, when you were in the necessary stages of developing only the lower self, the human physical sense of self.

As you prepare for these next stages, what is now taking place is the preparation of the physical body through the first movements of the soul energy into the physical.

Last year (2013) was focused on the first energetic bridge to take place after the pendulum swing of 2012 changed your direction. 
Once you passed through the midpoint of your universe, downloading energies from the Great Central Sun into your universe... you began a direct movement "home." 
Back to the inner self, back to the source, which is accessed in the central or midpoint of the heart, the kingdom of God's access point within each one of your bodies.

This first energetic bridge involved the opening of the 7th chakra at the crown of the head and the movement of the 7th Ray of Consciousness down through the body, joining the 7th chakra to the 1st chakra at the base of the spine.

This is the energy that prepares the physical, by forcing all that has been out of balance to the surface to be responded to. This 7th Ray only knows balance. 
Therefore, as it moved through the body to the 1st chakra of FORM, it prepared you to bring up all that is out balance, held in the duality of fear and separation.

One side opposing the other. Right and wrong. Good and bad. 
These are primitive views of life that are necessary for certain stages of learning. 
However, they are not the deepest truth. 

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." 
What does this mean? 
You are ready to begin awakening to deeper truths at this time, including that you are all sacred parts of God. 
However, this requires that you face the limits you have embraced at your earlier stages of learning... and this challenges your sense of habitual survival.

And so we encourage you to look as adults for deeper truths. 
You might begin by focusing on duality and opposing ideas. 
Right and wrong come out of a sense of control and judgment. 
One side is avoided and judged and defeated from this perspective. 
The deeper truth is that ALL things serve as elements of learning.

There is no bad. 
There is no wrong. 
There is only learning. 
Learning how to love. 
Learning what sets you up well. 
Learning requires both sides, so that you can explore and decide and discern what sets you up well and what does not. 
You are at a point on the planet that you need to pay attention, as things are quite out of balance from the accumulated old choices.

You need to look and learn. 
Judging what has been will not serve you. 
But by all means, allow yourselves to wake up to the deeper truths of what serves you and what does not. 
What comes out of fear and what is inspired in love? 
What allows you to embrace yourselves as individuals who are all on a perfect path for your own soul journey? 
And this developing perspective will naturally allow you to consider embracing the individual choices and paths of others.

This is a vital stage of your learning and you have begun to look in ways that have not taken place in prior stages. 
Continue to look with compassion at all that has been. 
Learn to understand what each part has taught you... not from the habitual judgment of any of the parts.

This will allow you to prepare to enter the midpoint of the heart, which can only be entered in neutrality.

And so you continue to assimilate the movement of the 7th chakra down to the 1st and will for years and years. 
This bridge has just begun to develop from the inspiration of the soul consciousness.

And now in 2014, you prepare to add a second bridge.  
This is the joining of more higher levels of consciousness into more of the lower self that you have known. 

The bridge that begins in 2014 moves energy from the 6th chakra down to the 2nd chakra.

This is the focus of 2014. 
The 2nd chakra is the chakra of relationships. 
Your relationship to all things is what is implied here. 
Your relationships start with your relationship to yourself, as all of life is merely a reflection of the relationship you are having with yourself.

We will repeat this again. 
ALL of life is a reflection of the relationship you are having with yourself. 
And so as you prepare to move into this new phase of your life, it becomes more apparent how vital it is that you get to know yourself from the inside out.

If you do not have a conscious relationship with yourself, it means that you are having a habitual, Unconscious relationship with yourself and that is what your lives will continue to reflect.

It is time for you to wake up. 
It is time for you to take deeper responsibility for your own life, for the lives around you and for your planet as a whole. 
If you do not, the imbalance that is created will continue to accumulate as greater imbalance in the world around you.

The healing starts at home, the midpoint of consciousness, which starts with developing qualities of the heart and applying them first to yourselves. 
Only then will you move out of the duality, fear and separation of the lower self and its limitations.

As those of you who have begun to do this inner work consciously already know, the more you respond and nurture yourselves, the more you allow that flow of love and support from the world around you. 
Your lives shift and you begin to experience intimacy with life, reflected as always from the intimacy you are creating with yourselves.

For those of you who have not begun that inner work, just begin by paying attention to the fact that in your deepest self, love is what you seek more than anything. 
Love and safety and acknowledgement that you matter.

What you have not understood is that you have merely passed on the fear and shame of self for the most part, generation after generation, all based on the myths of a child who was not loved fully by other wounded adult children carrying the same limitations. And that means you.

And so you must begin somewhere... and the wisest place is to start is in considering that your lessons have been perfect, teaching you from what DOES NOT work... to encourage you to make some new choices, learning from one another what DOES work. 
And that will always bring you back to LOVE. 
Learn to choose to love, something of which you know very little in the earlier potentials of your beings.

But do not judge where you are in your learning curves. 
Simply show up and begin. 
You will be the best at what you practice the most.

So let us just introduce what we mean with the bridge of the 6th chakra to the 2nd. 

The bottom line is that this is a movement of the first hints of the soul plan for each individual to begin. 
That begins with the healing of the emotional body for each one of you.

The main reason is that the healed emotional body will become the vehicle for the soul. 
The soul is the realm of the EXPERIENCE of love. 
And your experiential potentials start with the emotional body.

This has been one of the most misunderstood, least integrated parts of your lives.
 It is where you have focused your shame and fear the most. 
And so you have a world that has been afraid of feelings, assuming that they will only set you up for more shame and fear and humiliation and hurt.

This is not the deepest truth either, but it is where you must begin to look. 
The soul energy from the higher will is beginning to move down in your bodies in a new way in the year of 2014.

This will begin to create more movement of energy to inspire greater balance. 
That can only happen with you, the adults, showing up to respond and allow the movement.

This will be the great challenge. 
Are you willing to grow into the adult potential? 
In order to do so, you need clear information (education) and you need tools that allow you to nurture the emotional body. 
You will find out that as adults, this is not a threat to you in any way.

And if you do NOT look and respond, you will be left in the breakdown typical of midlife in the earlier stages of learning.

So find teachers and tools for nurturing the emotional body directly. 
It is the most vital thing you can do in your lives at this stage. 
And know that you are not alone in the fear of feelings. 
This takes you all the way to the most primitive, initial imprints in the limbic, survival brain.

And yet it is time to respond. 
You are being energetically supported to grow through the fear of survival as you become educated, empowered emotional adults on the planet. 
This is the greatest service you could possibly offer... if you are still searching for a purpose that is worthwhile.

Love and nurture yourselves emotionally. 
Learn how to release and resolve the wounded emotional body into neutrality and safety and trust and the experience of self-value. That is a great starting place.

And as the movement of the energies from the 6th chakra moves down to anchor a bridge into the 2nd, it will go through three primary stages during the year.

The first phase of four months will be the introduction and challenge to the old survival paradigm of your lives. 
The second four months will be the time of negotiating and learning HOW to apply the needed tools to all that you discover in the first four months. 
And the final four months will be the months of INTEGRATION and breakthrough.

Keep in mind, this is the most powerful time of potential that you have ever known on the planet. 
You are being energetically supported into each one of these awakenings. 
But it is, as always, up to you and your free will.

We encourage you with all our love to show up, to learn one step at a time HOW to love and nurture yourselves and then one another... starting with this year of healing the conflict of duality in your emotional bodies. 
This is a direct bridge to the soul.

You will feel much activation in the head, the heart and in the lower torso as each stage is encouraged energetically to open and allow this new bridge of the soul to be your reality.

You will see an acceleration of great healing for those who respond and a natural reflection of the other choices as well. When fear and resistance are triggered, which are vital parts of the healing process, you will see the fear and reactions played out all around you as well.

There will be much conflict reflected on the world scene, as resistance and fear of feelings tend to create such impactful survival reactions. 

When you choose reaction, acting out and deeper avoidance, you will see greater breakdown. 
This will be more immediate than ever, even in the impact on your physical bodies.

The deeper truth is that your bodies are merely attempting to show you where you are out of balance. 
And so you feel pain and pressures where you need to look, to respond, to nurture and to resolve.

This is a broad overview of what you can expect in 2014. 
And as we take your most joyous leave, we remind you as always to remember to love one another."

- Gabriel

Message from Gabriel, as channeled through Ron Baker


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