
WAI - 27: Yantra evolution
By Mayank Gandhi
In 2005 - 2006, I had the ability and inclination to heal. I used to close my eyes, slow down my speed of thoughts to reach the alpha state ( 7-12 Hz per second), and was able to entrain myself with the frequency of the patient. I could “feel” disturbance in some part of my brain, which coincided with that of the patient (this is difficult to explain- as it was a sensation of something like a red or hot spot).
Over 80% of the diseases are psychosomatic (sourced from the brain) and therefore, when I “felt” disturbance in some part of the brain, I would take out my chart of the Brodmann brain cortex to identify where the disturbance was and therefore correlate the disease.
 The Brain with various cortex
As I started studying the Brodmann Chart of the brain, I realized that each of this cortex played a certain role in the development and maintenance of the human mind - body complex. It was now pretty clear that if I wanted to evolve, then I’ll need to learn about the science of impacting the appropriate brain cortex. Therefore, along with the practices (tantra) to stimulate different brain cortex and the vibration mantras - I got interested in learning and understanding yantra and mandalas, which was another route to evolve higher energies and impact focused brain parts.
We always knew that different colours affected us in a certain way. For example, Red is a strong colour, Blue and indigo a meditative one and Green - joyous one. The relation of colours to chakra and its impact on our mind had been discussed in an earlier blog. Also, contour bias affected the brain, with sharp edges keeping the mind alert and round edges giving a feeling of comfort. Hence, using the science of shapes and colours to impact parts of the brain fascinated me.
Mandala: are circular symbolic representations of both universal and personal forces; they emanate from the activity of the brain. These are symbolic compositions of energy patterns that are more powerful than pictures. Mandalas are tools that draw energy from outer world and direct it to the inner.
Similarity between the brain and the mandala
Yantra is the Sanskrit word for “instrument” or “machine”. Much like the word “instrument” itself, it can stand for symbols, processes, automata, machinery or anything that has structure and organization, depending on context. It uses geometric shapes to represent cosmic and personal connections. It is an interlocking matrix of geometric figures that form patterns of great elegance and beauty. It is a meditation tool which facilitates in focusing and contemplation for serious spiritual seekers.
Shri Mahamrityunjaya Yantra
Images and idols are other, more gross and subtle, representations. The classical eight surfaces on which images, idols and yantras are either drawn, engraved or painted are gold, silver, copper, crystal, birch, bone, hide and Stone. The shapes, color and patterns of religious paintings and idol might look very strange and odd to the modern mind, but these are created with a great deal of knowledge and science. Intense meditation on these as well as mandalas and yantras causes the fully formed image to manifest in your mind’s eye with an intensity that is remarkable for its imprinting ability.
Each yantra contains different frequencies and energy patterns. During meditation the mind gets in tune with the power resonating from the energy of a particular yantra and gets amplified. The sign of David, the Christian Cross and the Pyramids are some of the examples of yantras used in different religions. This is also plays an important part in the Tibetan Tantric meditation.
All yantras have one or more of these basic patterns and their different combinations are used to represent various deities
1. An infinite point or Bindu, represents the unity of Shiva / Shakti or the male / female bond.
2. The triangle or Trikona, represents the three gunas. The triangles facing downwards represents the female yantra and upwards in male yantra.
3. A six pointed star (Shatkona), consisting of two triangles representing fire and water and the coming together of opposites.
4. A circle (Chakra) representing the completeness and cyclic nature of things,
5. The square (Bhupura), which encompasses all the other components and
6. The lotus petals (Padma), the unfolding symbolizing beauty, purity and evolution.
Yantras take into consideration all the energy factors like directions, shapes, color, magnetic lines and a combination and patterns of all these, to create a powerful tool for energy manipulation. A yantra is only truly vitalised when it is engraved with the bija and other mantras and surrounded with the matrikas, or letters of the Sanskrit alphabet.
Similar to the idols and temples, it must be installed with energy infusion using a rite called Pranapratishta (establishing breath).
Different cortex of the brain are activated by different yantras are used for various reasons. For example; to possess wealth one uses Mahalaxmi Yantra, Kubera Yantra, Shri Yantra, Shubh Labh Yantra etc. To maintain good health, yantras like Mahamritunjaya, Surya, Mangal etc. are popularly used. The Ganesh Yantra is used for prosperity.
"Shree Yantra" is the most potent, holistic and extremely powerful yantra. It is formed by nine interlocking triangles that surround and radiate out from the central (bindu) point, the junction point between the physical universe and its unmanifest source. Four of the triangles point upwards, representing Shiva or the Masculine. Five of these triangles point downwards, representing Shakti or the Feminine. Thus the Sri Yantra also represents the union of Masculine and Feminine Divine. Together the nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles in a web symbolic of the entire cosmos or a womb symbolic of creation. This is surrounded by a lotus of eight petals, a lotus of sixteen petals, and an earth square resembling a temple with four doors.
The Shree Yantra research and study is a vast subject. The Sriyantra is believed to be the visual representation of the Mantra Om. Indeed Dr. Hans Jenny claims to have produced an exact replica of the Sri Yantra in 1967 when the “Om” Mantra was sung into a “tonoscope’, a device used to visually represent sounds on a video screen. Yogis and serious students spend years for studying the complexities and the impact of the yantra on various sources of energy - gravitational. weak and strong electromagnetic forces with reference to the human brain and its impact.


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