29 julho 2013

The Grand Sextile – Merkabah in the Sky

There is a lot going on in the chart for July 29, 2013 and it is the waning third quarter Moon in Taurus that brings it all together. The Moon in Taurus can be described as resourceful, determined, persistent and intuitive. This lends a strong desire to excel and work diligently towards our ideals. Because of its earthy quality, the Moon can help to keep us grounded, focused and productive. The weight of water activity is still dominating the sky, which continues to highlight our emotions, our relationships and our intuitive power. There is a little more fire in the sky now that the Sun has moved into Leo, but there is very little air! The lack of air quality in this chart weakens our mental processes – forcing us to rely on the guidance of our hearts, our intuition and our instincts. 

So, let’s begin with the Moon. The Moon is accompanied by the asteroid Hygeia and the South Lunar Node in Taurus and sextiles Mars and Jupiter in Cancer; Mars and Jupiter in Cancer sextiles Venus in Virgo; Venus in Virgo sextiles the North Lunar Node and Saturn in Scorpio; the North Lunar Node and Saturn in Scorpio sextiles Pluto and Astrea in Capricorn; Pluto and Astrea in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces and Chiron in Pisces sextiles the Moon, Hygeia and the South Lunar Node in Taurus. These sextiles hold together the Merkabah – or the six pointed star formation created by trines. The Grand Water trine is still active and connects Saturn, the North Lunar Node in Scorpio with Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Pallas in Cancer and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. The Grand Earth Trine is triggered by the Moon’s entry in Taurus and connects Pluto and Astrea in Capricorn, with Venus in Virgo and the Moon, Hygeia and the South Lunar Node in Taurus. 

As harmonious as this is, this chart is not without its challenges. The luminaries – the Sun and Moon, are squaring each other while Saturn squares the Sun and opposes the Moon. 

Visually, on a piece of paper, the chart looks like a six pointed star in a flat circle. However, let’s keep in mind that these are three dimensional celestial bodies, so there is significant depth to this formation.

Trines and sextiles are easy-going, harmonious energies that can bring benefits with and without effort, while oppositions are culminating energies that offer awareness through cooperation and compromise and squares reveal the obstacles in our path that represent the lessons we are learning. The abundance of positive energy in this chart far out-weighs the challenges. In other words, we are blessed with every tool we need to become aware of and push through the obstacles and challenges in our path ~ especially if we make the conscious effort to remain grounded, face the challenges and obstacles head on and take decisive action to improve our circumstances. Our hearts are our compasses now, and tuning in to our feelings and our intuition will be most effective under these starry influences. 

Spiritually, this is a time when we can become more acutely aware of our divinity, our purpose for being here at this time and the miracle of life on earth as radiant light beings. The Merkabah can be our personal space ship to other dimensions of reality. To activate this energy, it is imperative to go within, turn off the mind, tune into our hearts and retreat into quiet contemplative meditation. What we are attempting to do is raise our vibrations high enough to experience inter-dimensional planes of reality that operate simultaneously with our own. The optimal time for this astral journeying appears to be around 8 – 9 pm, EDT on July 29th. (please make adjustments for your time zone/date.)

Let’s focus a bit on the culminating energies and the obstacles and challenges upon our paths. The Moon’s nodes tell us where we need to do some hard work. The North Node represents the path of spiritual growth and the South Node leads to personal growth if the affairs of the North Node are developed. Lunar Nodes are NOT chart points, planets or asteroids – rather, they are measurements. The North Node is the point where the moon, on its way to Earth’s Northern Hemisphere, intercepts Earth’s orbit around the Sun, while the South Node is the point where the Moon, on its way to Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, intercepts Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Think of the North Node as a hand that is reaching to grasp experience and knowledge. This hand can plant seeds for growth, pick up books for knowledge, drive a car to a place of learning, pick up a phone to ask questions, all in our search for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. If we fail to use the North Node, it atrophies and drops us back into familiar over-used South Node behaviour. The South Node represents the seeds we grew and cultivated in past lives; and ideally shows us how to cultivate the North Node to be harvested and shared with others in this lifetime. The South Node is like a cupped hand extended out to others, filled with gifts from our North Node harvest. Be careful not to use the South Node cupped hand to say “fill it up” and expect others to provide us with all the answers of the North Node affairs. 

At the moment, the North Node is working with Saturn in Scorpio and the South Node is working with the Moon in Taurus. This placement of the Lunar Nodes tell us that there is a need to develop our personal resources (talents, skills, money, possessions and sense of self-esteem) in order to share them in a partnership or group relations. This is a time to investigate and cultivate our potential so that we are not relying on others to take care of our needs, and equally and simultaneously being careful not to take care of others to the point that it prevents them from developing their own personal resources. We are striving now to experience an equalitarian sharing of resources within partnerships and groups. 
This is not the time to do all the work and it is not the time to sit back and allow others to do all the work. At the same time, we are on a quest now to incorporate positive change in our lives. The tendency may be to want peace and quiet at all costs, however, we need to avoid weakening our spiritual strength by resisting change. Our challenge is to remain open to new possibilities. Our lives are being transformed now – stripping away the old to make way for the new.

When Saturn operates with the North Lunar Node, it gives us the power to attract spiritual teachers and lessons that can help us to understand and learn true humility, while the Moon operating with the South Lunar Node can attract karmic situations that can assist us to purify our emotions. 

Now, let’s explore the squared luminaries! The challenge of this square is to perfect our conscious mind’s personality, as represented by the Moon in Taurus. The key is to use the positive traits of the Sun in Leo to overcome the negative traits of the Moon in Taurus. Leo is generous, optimistic, creative, ambitious, loyal and affectionate. It is a masculine, positive, fire sign and is best described as enthusiastic and inspirational. Taurus is a feminine, receptive and earthy sign. It is a determined and persistent influence. Possessions and material things may become overly significant now, especially if we associate our emotional security with the external material things we own and identify the meaning of our lives with. The down side of Taurus manifests as possessive, jealous, lazy, stubborn, materialistic and extravagant. When aggravated, Taurus energy can tempt us to plunge ruthlessly towards our goals with blinders on, knocking everything and anyone in our path out of our way without concern for the damage it can cause as we do. The best metaphor here is moving through life like a bull in a china shop! 

The active water and earth trines create the Merkabah on July 29th which is stabilized, contained and amplified by the circle of sextiles holding it together. The universe is making it pretty easy and harmonious for us to overcome the obstacles and challenges on our path now. This is an epic opportunity to make positive lasting changes that can transform our lives into more authentic expressions, bringing more balance into our most significant relationships and/or within any group associations that support our growth and the personal development of our skills, talents and most importantly that can strengthen our sense of self-esteem. The key now is to remain optimistically enthusiastic and to use the positive influx of the energy available to us to make significant progress in our personal and spiritual evolution and development. 

Grand Earth trines bless us with a determined, practical and productive impetus. Grand Water trines bless us with the psychic ability to intuit our best course of action. The union of these grand trines creates a harmonious balancing of opposites coming together to help us to break free of the illusions that hold us in patterns that are ready to be transformed. It is time to balance mind, body and soul to improve our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. 

Wishing you abundant Love, Light and Harmony as you vibrate your way to higher realms of consciousness, joy and balance. 
In gratitude and in divine service, much love, ~♥~ Julie


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