2013 - Predictions by Jennifer Hoffman

The key themes for 2013 are:

This, above all, is the central theme for 2013.
How do we evolve beliefs, situations, experiences and thinking into their higher aspects?
We have all of the tools we need, it’s time to put them in action.
In every situation, we will have the choice to revolve it, using energy from the past, or evolve it, infusing it with a higher energy to create a different possibility and outcome.
Those things we do not evolve will have painful consequences if we try to live in the present from the energies of the past, which hold no power for us.
This even extends to the roles we have played as healers, teachers, and Lightworkers.
We are now Evolvers, tasked with bringing humanity into alignment with the new earth by ensuring that we are aligned with it in our own lives.

Multiple Self Awareness 
As we move into higher energies we are aware of ourselves as humans but are we are of ourselves as having multiple self aspects, any one of which we can choose at will?
The self we are expressing is one potential, if we do not like its outcome we can simply choose another one.
This is described in the 2013 Evolution Guide in greater detail.

Divine Power 
The concept of power, in the material or human sense, has always been ‘power over’ someone or something.
The ascended concept of power is divine, which is power within.
This is our internal power source, which emanates from our Source connection and is the expression of our God light.
It does not require confirmation or a recipient, as in someone to validate it for us.
It requires that we are aligned with our power in all things, using our power to evolve all of life experiences within our self aspects.

This is a time when we will learn the truth and some of it will be very disturbing and has the potential to cause a lot of fear.
On both individual and global levels, we will learn that those who we thought were our friends were actually our enemies and working against us and those who we thought were our enemies were actually our friends.
There are times when it will feel like the world is being turned upside down, inside out, shaken and not stirred and it will all work out at the end.
One thing to remember during 2013 is to reserve judgment in all things, be the observer and stay detached.
Look for the blessings in every situation, they will be there in even the most dire of situations. Remember, this is the year of evolution and sometimes energy has to be revolved before it can be evolved.

Vortexes and Energy Portals
Vortexes are concentrations of energy on the earth and energy portals are openings in the earth’s electromagnetic grid that allow energy to flow into the earth from the Universe.
We spent much of 2012 balancing existing portals energy and holding space for new portals.
The powerful ancient portals over the Middle East, Africa and parts of Eastern Europe into Russia are still open but much less powerful.
As we hold energy for the new earth these portals close, but not without a great deal of resistance, as we have seen in the Middle East this past year.
Many of us have been living in areas where we have been holding energy for new vortexes and creating portals for new earth energy. In these areas we have become extremely isolated and unhappy as our energy shifts beyond their capacity to meet our energetic needs — they do not hold the energy we need to sustain our own soul’s growth.
While the work we have been doing has been important and necessary, it is time for us to let go and move on into areas that do support us.
That potential has been there, the areas we are moving into have also been preparing for our arrival and that process will be completed early in 2013.
If you have been wanting to move to a new location, begin preparing in January and set your intention for the life experiences you want in the new area.
You will get confirmation of the timing and place, starting in March and completing by September.

Solar Flares, CMEs and Eruptions 
2012 saw some of the most powerful solar activity in human history and this will intensify in 2013. The Sun supports the Earth’s growth, as well as ours, and the increased radiation from solar flares supports the new portals as well as our faster vibrational frequencies.
The Sun will continue to send higher vibrations to the Earth which will disrupt weather and communications and also help empower the changes in our DNA structure that are being created in the post Dec. 21 world.
A new era of Earth/Sun partnership is being created, with the Earth aligning more fully with the Sun’s power, which has been able to receive in very small doses as its vibration simply would not handle more.
The new solar flare activity will be called history making but it will be more aligned with our higher frequencies and we will not feel them as intensely as we have in the past, i.e. the physical symptoms will not be as difficult for those who have already moved into a higher vibrational frequency.

From Mindfulness to Soulfulness 
We have been driven by the mind throughout our third dimensional experience and as we move into higher dimensions of being, the soul’s desires become more important and obvious.
Now we can move beyond knowing the soul’s desire is for love, joy, peace, abundance without knowing how to realize them.
Our ‘full mind’ which is full of its own thoughts, memories, beliefs and experiences, is often not aligned with our highest path.
The path of the mind is karmic, the path of the soul is aligned with creation.
While our karmic path is one avenue of creation, it is a single path, with only one outcome and one potential.
Being soulful, or within the realm of the soul’s desire for our life path, we step into creation and have many avenues of potential for our lives.
We don’t have to choose just one, we can experiment with many, finding the one that best aligns with the joy we wish to live in and through.
 Living in soulfulness means that we lead with the soul and let the mind learn to create instead of always knowing what is going to happen next.

Power Periods 
During the course of every year there are power periods where the earth’s energetic balance shifts, new energetic alignments occur, new vortexes open or old ones close.
These often clash with our own energetic vibrations and they can make us very uncomfortable and even physically ill.
We call these ascension symptoms and they are part of our ascension journey, for we need to bring new energy to the earth as part of our mission of creating ‘heaven on earth’.
With these power periods we may see earth changes, strong storms, floods, earthquakes or unusual weather. In our own lives we can experiences sudden endings, disruptions, changes of heart or mind or even physical illness.

In 2013 there will be 6 power periods:

January 3 to 22
I will call this a mini power period because it is a time of assessment, recalibration and setting intentions.
If you are unsure of where the next step on the
path is for you, set an intention for the most joyful and abundant path and let the answer come to you. This is a month for preparation, not action.
Strong solar storms will make the news, as will shifts in weather patterns that bring unusually warm weather to areas that are usually cold and cold weather to warmer areas.

With this month the transformative power of 2013 begins.
We will feel the energy moving in a very real way, and at times it may feel like things are spinning out of control.
They are, in a sense, the old Earth paradigms are being released so new ones can take their place. Those who don’t understand what is going on will appear to be very needy and insecure, and the people and situations this comes from may be surprising.
We have the first of 2013′s three Mercury retrograde cycles this month too.

March to June
The Equinox on March 20 closes the door on the old Earth paradigm.
Global events that reveal the truth about how the world has been operating make daily news.
Look for many surprises at this time, affecting many governments and corporations.
Strong late winter storms, (in the northern hemisphere) and lots of rain in other parts of the world creates flooding.
There will also be two eclipses during this period and the third Uranus/Pluto square on May 21, this one features Uranus direct and Pluto in retrograde.
Mercury goes into shadow retrograde starting June 26, ending on July 20.

July to August
This won’t feel like much of a summer as many plans are changed and situations change quickly. Look for disruptions in travel, storms, weird weather, people acting very strangely and a lot of fear. Many may change residence, either moving to a new home in their area or deciding to take a chance and make a move that they have considered for years, including cross country and moving to a new country or continent.
Mercury is in retrograde or shadow the whole month of July too so double check travel plans and all communications.

This may be the first month since January that we feel that we can pause and catch our breath.
There will be a desire to spend some time alone, get settled and align with some of the changes that have been brewing since February.
Those who have moved this year will feel a sense of relief as they begin to connect with their new soul families and make many new connections.

The month starts with Mercury retrograde, the fourth Uranus/Pluto square and an eclipse so it will be interesting.
Those who are firmly grounded in the changes they have been making all year (and even all of the work they have done for the past decade) will not feel the pressure of this month.
In fact, it will feel more like confirmation of the work they have done.
There will be a strong feeling of the world’s people united in creating a more sustainable, loving, supportive world.
‘Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide’ comes to mind as I think of November, those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear.
Don’t let the chaos distract you, remember — change is inevitable, chaos is optional.
Hold onto your hats, the fun is just beginning…

This is going to be a tough year, in terms of changes to be made, learning to live through intention, creating space in our lives for the transformation that will be occurring and letting go of beliefs, people, situations that do not serve our highest path or, more importantly, serve our intention for joyful, joy-filled living.

We will create what we say we have been wanting for years but being in ‘wanting’ mode and then getting what we want are two different things.
As we learn to live through creation (instead of karma), we may find a whole new way of life opens up for us, maybe without many of the familiar faces and places that we have known for a long time.

During this entire year, your intention will serve as your guidepost and guiding light for your life, so set powerful, meaningful and soul-filled intentions for this evolutionary, transformative year.

I wish you the abundant blessings, peace, joy and love that a benevolent, loving and supportive Universe is waiting to co-create with you.
Do you want to learn more about how to integrate these energies into your life? I have created the 2013 — Welcome to the Evolution guide, 50 pages that describe what you can expect in the new year, what evolution means to you, your role as an Evolver (instead of a Lightworker), allowing for descension (the second part of ascension), how to create new timelines in your life, and more.
This is an ebook, available as an instant download now (so you can start working with this material right away!)

Many blessings,
Jennifer Hoffman


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