Truth, Integrity, And The Twelve Rays - Archangel Michael

As you stand in your truth and integrity you make a great leap towards empowering yourself to integrate the vibrations of the fifth dimension. 
It is of vital importance for each of you to learn, know, and integrate this wisdom. 
When those around you are acting and reacting within the vibrations of the third dimension, you must hold your vibrations and stand within your strength and courage, and remain in your truth and integrity.
You serve as the example for those around you. 
You serve as the example and are opening the pathway for them to follow you. 
Your brothers and sisters are searching within, searching deeply at this time, for their own truth and wisdom. 
This truth begins first within the essence of being right with Self, for each of you. Being right with Self must begin, with truth and integrity, living each day as the light of God, as the God Self which you are.
You, in your essence as God, know only truth, you know only integrity, and you know only love. 

In each Now moment, each thought, each action will be observed by those around you, and will have a great impact on their beliefs and their actions. 
Know that your light, your vibrations expand around you and will lift up those around you as you are true to God within you. 
As you are right with Self, you expand these vibrations outward to your family, friends, neighbors and community. 
All will benefit from your increased awareness, truth and integrity.

The qualities and virtues and attributes of God are within you, if you choose to bring them forth on a daily basis. Focus completely on the vibration of love. 
Within the vibration of love you will find every quality, aspect and facet of the God that you are. 
As you focus on the vibration of love, these qualities, aspects and virtues will expand into your awareness and your daily life. Be the vibration of love, in the Now moment. You must awaken each morning and immediately bring your focus into your heart center. This begins the process of being right with Self, as you center yourself within your heart. As you are right with Self, you will find that you are within your heart center in the Now, and all the qualities, virtues and attributes you desire are available to you. 

These qualities, virtues and attributes are those of love, wisdom, creativity, service, truth, integrity, intuition, humility, peace, balance and harmony, joy, abundance, vibrant health, strength, courage, inspiration, faith, and trust. You are in the knowing that you are these virtues and attributes, which are the virtues and attributes of God, and you are God. Focus on developing these virtues and attributes each day.

Spend time Dear Ones, working to bring your chakras into balance and harmony. You must continue to release all that no longer serves your highest good and the highest good of all creation. Within your chakras are the virtues, qualities, and aspects of your God Self in the highest expression. As you release the lower vibrations, and integrate these virtues and attributes and bring yourself into balance and harmony, as you become right with Self, your spine will become a blazing column of light and you will become a blazing column of light as you radiate the light of God to humanity.

Begin to call forth the twelve Rays which have been given to you as a gift to help you integrate and be the God Source. These twelve Rays are the highest aspect of God and are available to each and every one of you. You may use the twelve Rays to cleanse and heal your physical vessels and to cleanse and heal your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Call on the first red Ray of Divine Will which I and my Lady Faith radiate to humanity. You will strengthen your ability to create and you will to go forth as an empowered light of God. 
The second blue Ray is the ray of illumination and wisdom and will help you integrate the vibrations of the fifth dimension.
Call on the third yellow Ray, the active intelligence, the inner wisdom which is within you. 
The fourth emerald green Ray will help you heal and come into balance and harmony in your emotional and mental bodies, and stimulate the creativity of the arts within you. 
The fifth orange Ray incorporates the wisdom of concrete science and knowledge.
The sixth indigo Ray is the ray of devotion, service, and forgiveness. Call on the sixth Ray to stimulate your intuition and your clear hearing and clear seeing, associated with the sixth chakra. 
Call upon the seventh Ray to open your crown chakra and allow the light of God to illuminate you as you integrate your God Self. It is the violet Ray of transformation and transmutation. 
The eighth Ray, sea foam green and violet, will help you to cleanse and heal your four bodies and bring clarity to your daily experience.
Call on the ninth turquoise Ray for the activation of your thymus and the integration of your heart, thymus, and throat into the Solar Power Center which is your center and bridge for your lower chakras and your higher chakras. 
The pearlescent tenth Ray will help you call forth and build your light body and you may call on this Ray for peace and joy. 
The eleventh Ray, iridescent peach, is your bridge to the higher dimensions. It is your access to your rainbow bridge to your Soul and your Divine I Am Presence. Spend time working with this Ray, actively building your rainbow bridge, filling this bridge with light, as you integrate your Soul, and your Divine I Am Presence. You must also build your rainbow bridge of light down into Mother Earth to ground yourself, as you also help Mother Earth build her rainbow bridge of light. 
The twelfth opalescent gold Ray is the Ray of illumination, the Ray of the God Source and contains all the other Rays, yet not equal amounts of each Ray. This Ray will help you be, and integrate all the qualities and attributes which you seek to be, as you expand your Self, and be God.
There are many tools available for each of you, and you will find these Rays to be most valuable in your quest for mastery, but you must become familiar with them, and you must diligently use them, and call them in to help yourselves return to balance and harmony. 
Go the distance, and integrate all that is being offered to you. eWe have offered so many varied tools so that you will access and use the ones which most resonate with you, as are there are many paths back to the One. Howevr, all paths back to the One are based on the virtues, attributes, and qualities of the Creator. You will find these virtues and attributes within the twelve Rays, and you will find that truth and integrity, will lead you further into the knowledge and wisdom of these virtues and attributes. I am Archangel Michael, and I bring you this truth.

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Michelle Coutant
Tuesday, 30 March, 2010
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